Chap 32 (Destiny)

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Luna's POV

"Where have you been?", when I enter the room Shawn sits up. Seeing me standing at the door with an expressionless face he lifts his legs down.

"What are you doing?", I quickly reach him when he attempted to stand on his feet.

"I can walk", he replies.

"I know you can but the doctor instructed you to complete bed rest. Just a few weeks then you will be walking and running like before again. Until then avoid unnecessary walks. Huh?", I place my hand over his.

"Did Andrew say something to you?", he asks in a sincere tone with truthful eyes that contain pleasure, and joy, and love of the whole Galaxy. Giving his hand a reassuring squeeze I stagger my head against his arm.

"You will be alright. Dark thick mists embedding frightened and horrified specks that entered your life quite a while ago are gone now. The fog has been wiped off the horizon. The sky is perpetually so clear tonight. Lilies are swaying because they get to cherish their love's light after a long time tonight. Moon being elegant appears to enjoy the glamorous tale of two lovers. Sun will rise tomorrow and shine at the top of the world like it was used to. Things will eventually drive back to their normal places. You will be gone back to your regular life. All wounds are promised to be healed, I'm not sure about scars though. They will try to give rise to your past so that you could never focus on your present but never let that happen even for once. If you ever feel it coming around stand under the pouring rain and let it stream every bit of it down your body, yet, don't get yourself a fever okay? I'd not like you to be sick. I-I wouldn't like someone else taking care of you and taking all those sweet as honey kisses. On-ly I- I- sh-o-ul-d have", without realizing I kept getting lost in the sands of time, where I was seeing myself without him no more around and going on with the grief-stricken state of my heart until the lump at the back of my throat traps my voice.

"Luna, why are you talking like this?", as I look up into his eyes, tears welled up in my eyes.

"I- I", with a heavy breath out, that I didn't feel holding, I pull away. That's not how I defended my feelings in front of Andrew a few minutes ago. That's not how I made him believe that I will never leave Shawn's side when he asked me to.


"Pretty good deal. Isn't it?", I didn't know why he was doing this. Why in the damn whole world things like this keep happening with me? Why the shitty people don't mind their own business. But yeah, I was forgetting Shawn is part of his business and he's definitely being mindful of it.

"Love is the only gem that you cannot purchase with money
Mr. Andrew." Courage. I've had no idea where it came from.

"If you were offering this to old Luna, a rather fearful and cowardly Luna a week ago, she would probably give in. Not for money, but for the sake of her love. Don't misunderstand the one standing in front of you with the old one. For the sake of my love, I refuse your proposal. I choose to stay with him for the rest of my life. I choose to pay him back with every drop of my love. I choose to stay under his warmth and affection. I don't care if his fans will accept me or not. I will not push him in this regard and being and understanding girlfriend I'll support him with his every decision. Even if I've to stay underground, hidden from the public, his fans, I'll gladly. He will always have my back. That's what I've learned from the love he showered on the hopeless and lonely heart of mine. I choose him Mr. Andrew", lots of courage it had taken me to say all this.

Fairly it wasn't me speaking but his love. His manager showed a confident and satisfactory smile before leaving the room.

End of flashback

I chose to stay by his side, but then why I'm being like this? What's hitting me inside here? What it could be?

Shawn's POV

"I need some time Shawn", she's not being serious. I would not believe her if her tears strained face wasn't looking at me with pleading eyes.

"For what?", a few minutes ago when she kissed me I was at cloud nine, now I feel like falling back to the ground.

Author's POV

"Let's get you back to your condo", that was when she realized that she should wait, wait for her love to stand back on track. That's when she bravely decided to go against the brutal strings of time and stay with the only soul, that mattered to her the most in this whole universe, for a little longer.

"Doctors said that you need to stay under their observation for a week. We will go to the place together", grains of the oblivious time lying ahead running out of her hands one after the other just like a stack of dishes crashing down to the floor over one another.

"To the place where it all started", taking another possible catastrophe into account was out of Shawn's mind. He couldn't think of his Luna drifting away slowly, but painfully.

The week came by to its end. Luna's heart was nowhere but under the adoring affection of his love, flattering at the sight of him running and singing like a dancing llama. His baby muffin had recovered sooner than she could've thought. Doctors approved an improved clinical outcome, as well as after observing the faster recovery they discharged him right after five days, yet he wasn't being allowed to perform muscular strengthing activities such as weight lifting and exhausting workouts. Though he contended with the doctor's decision but who he was to argue when the requested one was Luna.

Days became nights and nights turned into beautiful dawns only to bring two lovers closer together. Her worry-free face plastering highly contagious smiles and chuckles liting up the whole world of Shawn. He being stubborn at eating medicine. She getting agreed on giving soft pecks after every time he would gulp them down.

What a perfectly happy couple shining and dancing and singing and ending up snuggling into each other's arms!

Dreaming of the future, hand in hand, Shawn learning the sweet heart of his Luna, she busy at capturing and making as many memories as she could to lean onto them in the coming days. No one knew what was going on in the beautiful heart of hers neither she could be accused of everything.

She once was covered with mud, but now what was running in his veins was her blood.
He once fell for her and getting started falling all over again every day, having her by his side nothing to lose in the love play.

They fell for each other coincidently. Exchanged their emotions and care, but everything had been planned, to meet and confront each other was written in their destiny.

But was letting them staying together for eternity one of the plans of destiny? Will fate apart the two lovers fondly into each other? Will it?

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