Chap 23 (Operation: Find Luna)

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"What!", I was facing a man whose face was reflecting nothing but need of unfaltering lust.

"I don't want this job. I'll tell my mom", as I took one step back he held up my arm pulling me back down on his lap.

"I'm afraid you can't refuse me since your mom has already been received one hundred thousand dollars from me", his bad breath with hint of alcohol was giving me nauseating feeling.

Whilst I was fighting against my thoughts, that no matter how malevolent my step mom had been with me she could never do something like this, he took chance of it.

Placing his hand on my left breast, he tried to slip it inside my shirt when I spit on his face, hopefully making a successful attempt to sneak out from the room.

It was almost impossible for me to remain in my senses but I had to otherwise I wouldn't have been standing here. I took the elevator to ground floor.

Footsteps of some people approaching me worked as one more injection of poison to increase former one's spread throughout my body, that was when he touched me.

I thought using the back door was a good idea since they all were running toward the front one but unfortunately one of his men caught sight of me exiting it.

"There's she!", a heavy voice thrashed over my heart as if someone was beating me repeatedly with a whip.

Backside of the hotel was no less than a nineties building locating few dumpsters springing putrid smell all around.

After taking few turns I finally egressed steep pathway and came across a forest.

Where shall I go now?

Wasting my lifesaving time on thinking let those men spot me again.

I saw four to five of them running to me. I had no choice left expect making my way into the deep, moderately steep, dark forest.

There was only one thought on my mind back then.

Save myself.

The glint of dark lustful eyes had been enough to scare the shit out of me but thundering of clouds and rain pouring like cats and dogs added fuel to fire.

To boost my tough luck that night slipping in the mud and leaving of a shoe behind after bumping on a thick root of tree actually worked pretty well.

Things were never easy for me but I endured all the pain just for myself.

But what would I do if myself couldn't remain my true self after all?

That thought worked as a fuel, kept me driving to run out of the hell", when she was at the end of telling me everything she suddenly fell down on her knees.

Her short and quick breaths made me run to her as fast as I could.

"Luna!", I placed my one hand on her back and rubbed it gently.

"You all right?", there were large gaps between her breaths. She was wringing her hands in agitation.

"Ima call Shawn", she held up my hand, stopping me to leave.

"If you want to do something for me, keep this a secret between us. Hide everything from Shawn I beg you", buddy I also wanted to help her and she actually made me believe that I could only by hiding it from you.

"Shawn said I can count on you", she was holding my hand tightly no wonder why.

End of Luna's pov within Brian's pov

I nodded and went to the kitchen to bring water for her. When I came back she was gone.

End of Brian's pov

Shawn's POV

It means every time she got panicked it was either she confronted any of those men or it was something from that night.
How could I be so clueless?

"I told her that she can only trust you except me", even though Brian had attentions to keep me away from danger but if he had told me everything I could've stopped Luna.

Turning around to leave the room I found his mom standing in disbelief.

"Save that little girl Shawn. I'm with you", her words gave me more courage.

"You're risking your whole career for a girl. Have you gone insane?", it was Mike's turn I guess. I knew that they all were worried about me.

"I can trade my life for the girl I love with all my heart", he hung his head down in defeat after hearing the truth from me.

"I'll help you", Brian put his hand on my shoulder, his eyes wearing determined expressions.

"I'm going back to condo. I'm gonna look into her stuff to find any clue", that was the first thing popped in my mind.

"Okay then we will look into nearby places", Brian suggested.

"What about starting our search from hotels?", Mike asked.

Before I could tell him that I've already had done this Brian spoke up.

"That would be useless. Shawn does she have any bank account or credit cards?", Brian looked at me and continued after hearing a No from me.

"When she came to me she wasn't carrying any bag that could be holding any money.

She was empty handed and as she said that she has no friends she can't borrow it from anyone to stay in any hotel", Brian had a point.

How couldn't I think this and wasted my time looking into every hotel across ten miles.

"Don't tell me she would be sleeping in streets for days?", Mike looked at both of us.

I began to feel the same tension I felt when she left the condo with little more tightness in my veins.

I pulled myself together since I had to be strong for luna same as she had been for me.

After analyzing the situation we decided to start our search without wasting a single second.

"We will inform each other if any of us find any clue first", I earned two nodding heads from them.

"Shawn you will find her", Brian's mom gave me a relatively assuring curve.

I shot her a fake smile. How could I smile in a situation like this?
I just didn't want to act rude. Three of us hopped in cars and drove away in opposite directions.

Luna hang on there. I'm coming.

Driving at speed bit less than of light, I slammed brakes outside my condo.

Before I could unlock the door with my key, to my surprise the lock was already broken.

I went inside steathily.

The whole condo was flipped upside down as if someone searched every corner.

I shouldn't be here I think.

I turned back on my heel when my head hit something as hard as concrete.

"Hey white chicken", sarcasm escaped lips of a man wearing mask on face.

"Let's get your girl together", before I could say something I felt being hit by something heavy at back of my head.

My view went dizzy before darkness covered my eyes as I collapsed down to the floor.

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