I narrowed my eyes soon after I heard her phrase. And when I began to realize what I just did with an obvious expression, a tear flowed down the edge of my eye.

That's right... I would've been no different from Duchess Fleurette if I dared to put an end on her life. And whether it was an occurrence in my previous life or this moment, if I ever try to kill someone no matter the reason, I'd only become a disappointment in my late mother's eyes.

"If she was watching you now, she'd never like to see you in such state."

Yes. I know... I know that too well, but.......

"How would you understand my feelings...?"

Even if I was aware of what she was pointing out, somehow... I felt like opposing her. But this time, I did what I could so the tears wouldn't burst out.

I drove the Duchess' hand away from mine.

"Do you even know the feeling of losing a place to return to?"


The Duchess remained silent.

"I lost my mother when I was at an age, younger than the time that I arrived in this place. And thoroughly accepted the fact that it was fate that brought her to death."

"I didn't have a father, so I felt really happy when I found myself a new home. So happy that I completely forgot the sorrow that I felt back in the day..."

"But after that, do you know what happened?", I questioned with a face of sarcasm.

Looking at the Duchess' profile, I noticed that I no longer needed to state the answer.

"It seems like... I won't get away with an apology for this.....", she whispered and sat back on her seat.

"I thought you already saw this coming."

As I recomposed myself and took a sip of the tea at my side, the Duchess stared at my direction for a while.

"You sure are very similar to him....."

"...? I don't quite understand what you just uttered, but I hope we could proceed to the rest of the discussion."

After having a surprised look, the red-haired woman replied with a gentle yet apologetic smile.

"Even at a time like this, you still astonish me."

She paused, then looked downward before she could continue.

".......I suppose, this is the last time that I will get to have a proper talk with you."

I flinched slightly, perceiving her words. Afterward, I slowly placed down the teacup in my grasp while my eyes were locked on the lady before my eyes.

Doesn't that mean-!?

I doubted that the same twists of events would occur. Although it might've been a nice opportunity to let her spill the beans, I refrained myself from doing so at the moment, knowing that I must've jumped into conclusions again.


I stopped speaking as soon as I saw the Duchess making a gesture to keep my mouth shut for now.

And then, the wind blew from the west, as if it was according to a script.

"I need you to do me a favor.", she murmured.

I didn't know how I should react to this, to be honest. Moreover, I didn't expect that kind of thing to come out from her mouth, when she just confessed about a rather shocking truth.

Neither have I known that she would have the guts to confront me this way, despite knowing that I was holding back my anger presently.

"A favor... you say?"


She certainly had such a brazen part in herself. But rather than that, I believe this was more like her bravery. And I adored... that part of her.

"Despite knowing how much I resent you now?"


There wasn't a hint of hesitation in her determination. Seeing that, I came to think that it really was a shame that we turned out to be this way at the very end.

To the point that I might want to regret it...

"I guess, this is the first and the last time that you're going to ask me for something like this..."

"Funny for someone older than you, isn't it?"

"It truly is."

I laughed a bit, finding how strange it was for her to joke around even in this kind of situation.

The two of us went silent while the Duchess looked like she was patiently waiting for an approval.

Even if her expressions were so clear during this conversation, as expected I still couldn't see through her intentions or actual thoughts.

I found that fact strange enough.

She has fulfilled her role as my friend for more than a year, including the time that we spent together before time rewound itself. And yet, I knew nothing about her.

That thought somehow made me hate myself even more, for not even considering to learn about my surroundings before. Even if they say that ignorance is the best choice at times, I don't feel well about what I've done.

My selfishness...was just truly problematic and scary.

I don't even understand whether I'm with the right or the wrong right now. I feel really conflicted.

It's as if I needed to choose which to believe and follow between my mother and the Duchess. And I felt like the one I chose shall decide how my fate would turn out.

To me, it was something very risky and crucial. Since, no matter what it takes...

I refuse to walk into a thorny path, once more.

In a situation like this, there was only one thing that I could do in order to become certain that I chose what's right.

"Alright.", I said and continued with a straightforward look on my face.

"I shall consider granting this favor of yours."

I Promise, I'll Leave! But, With No Regrets!!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن