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"So father had promised 2% for what?"

Mark couldn't say anything, due to the fact that he would cause y/n to get more confused. She had gotten a letter, but it had no name...just the name Mortica. 

"You know...drugs."

The reasoning was just a sugar coated version of what her father had done. Sighing, y/n knew her father was doing illegal things, but not something that was so deep. 

"If we give them 2% its way too much... over 2-3 billion won. lets settle in the middle. Can we get in contact with them?"

Y/n tried to solve this problem as calm as possible. Mark handed her a sticky note with a number on it, not questioning why he had it...she dialed the number. 

"Hello? Y/n is talking."

I could hear a cough from the other end...

"Is this to settle for the shares?"

I hummed, the voice sounded very familiar...same deep voice.

"2% right?"

Sighing...I tried to sound as nice as possible.

"I don't know what my father did, or promised. But Im giving 1.5%, no higher no less."

I said confidently. Fabric ruffling was heard on the other end.

"Thats fair...but what made you think I would accept that offer."

Wanting to cuss the person out, I tapped my pen on the wooden desk.

"1.5 it too much, and this problem has nothing to do with me. At least Im offering something."

Hearing a chuckle, I got confused.

"Feisty...since I like you I'll accept this offer."

And with that the person ended the call.

I was so ready to tell Seonghwa about all the things that had happened this day..


ew this chapter is so confusing, I really hope you guys read the next book so you can understand everything that happening here.

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