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I looked up and to my surprise it was...Seonghwa?!? His figure towered over me and made me feel so small. He gave me a blank stare and I returned it with a wide eye.
"Sir? I need you to order there are uh...costumers waiting behind you"
My voice came out like a whisper. I looked behind him and to my surprise someone was there. Never have I ever felt so relieved. I quirked a brow up at him and waited for an answer slowly growing inpatient.
"Can I get a macha iced tea"
Nodding and punching the order in I looked up and told him the total. He slide his card and the receipt printed. I gave it to him and went to the back...
"Yo mark a macha iced tea please~"
Mark made an ok sign and went right into it. I headed out and took the other costumers orders.
Once Seonghwa's order was done I thanked Mark and looked at Seonghwa. My palms were sweaty and my grip on the tray tightened. Taking small steps towards his table seemed like I was hiking up Mount Everest. But eventually I made it towards his table. Carefully placing his iced tea on the table, I was trying hard not to make him notice me. But to my dismal he did, he placed his phone down and looked up at me.
"Do you have a minute to talk?"
His raspy voice surprised me. My mind all of a sudden blanked out and head nodded automatically. I pulled out the chair in front of him and looked straight into his eyes.
"So um...why did you not show up yesterday?"
My freaking habit of saying what was in my mind happened again. I mentally facepalmed myself and tore my eyes from his. My palms were sweating furiously and I wiped them on my jeans trying to distract myself from my nervousness.
"I had something important coming up."
He stated coldly...is he bipolar or what? One moment he's sweet and all deep and shit and next thing you know he ditches me on our date and gives me one of the most bluntly dumb answers. I choked out a "tch" refraining myself from rolling my eyes. And thank god Mark called out the order just in time before I could say anything stupid. Getting up and pushing the chair, I left the conversation.
My shift had ended, but Seonghwa had stayed for my entire shift. I would sometimes feel his gaze on me but he mostly stared at his phone, too busy texting. And thank god Mark was closing with me. I was wiping the counter but stopped when I could hear Marks giggles. I turned my head towards his direction and saw what he was giggling about, and to my surprise it he was looking at his phone. Making my way towards him I looked down at his phone and saw...a freaking dancing bean. This dude is laughing at a bean that's dancing...My instinct told me to jab him in the stomach and see what happens. And of course I did exactly that.
He yelped and looked at me wide eyed. I bursted out laughing and gripped the counter for support. He looked at me a blush creeping up onto his cheeks, rubbing the back of his neck. My giggles died down and I looked up at him signing to him that we should finish up. And in less than 15 minutes we were done. We were about to leave but Mark tapped me on the shoulders signaling me to a table. And I remembered Seonghwa was still there, I sighed and did my thing. Kick this motherfucker out, I trudged towards him and stopped in front of his table.
"Sir you have to leave, we are closed."
Making him look up and stare straight into my eyes. He nodded about to say something when I walked out signaling him to follow. Once he was out I locked the door. Mark and I walked besides each other since we lived in the same apartment building. During our walk Mark made his lame pick up lines while I just laughed at them. It was a lovely time and for once I forgot about Seonghwa.
Seonghwa POV
I had figured out where she worked pretty easily since it was listed on her form. But the only challenge was that I had to drive around and go to all 3 of her jobs. It was difficult but I had to apologize to her face to face. My last destination was at the Cafe that was listed last. Parking my car in the small parking space, I opened the door and headed out towards the Cafe. The bells jingled and alarmed the workers I was present. My eyes scanned the room and I saw her. In all her glory, her hair tied into a ponytail will her slender back faced me. But she quickly turned around and headed towards the cashier. I peered her small figure, not saying anything hoping she would look up. And to my surprise she did, looking directly at me. My stomach had this weird feeling, I felt warm. I panicked and ordered whatever I saw and payed.
Seonghwa POV
I took notice of that boy she seemed to be close with. She talked to him and laughed with him. I tried to talk to her but that ultimately failed. So instead I fiddled with my phone and texted Hongjoon, my friend, we talked about my company which got pretty boring. And so I decided to play 2048(this game is legendary😤)
I hadn't noticed everyone leaving but once I heard laughing, I turned around and saw the goddess herself, y/n, laughing. But it was the same guy who I saw working with her making her laugh. A part of me felt jealous but I ignored it. Remembering what happened when I got attached to someone in the past. They were about to leave until y/n told me to leave and just left after I left.
Seeing her walk and laugh with that guy was a little bit heart wrenching but what could I do? Sitting in my car and pondering about my feelings was the only thing I could do. But after a while I ended up driving to the company and spending the night finishing designs.

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