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2 days later

Being stuck in a chair for 2 days may seem impossible, but I made it. My wrist were sore from trying to get out countless of times, but every try had the same ending I couldn't get out. My head whipped towards the door after hearing it open. 3 women came in, one holding a dress and the others holding hair and makeup items. How could I possibly forget? Today was my stupid 'wedding' day! The women came up to me, as if seeing a girl handcuffed to a chair was normal. One uncuffed me, while the other looked me up and down.
"Miss you can go shower, special orders from Mr. L/n."
And with that I got up. But I immediately fell down, my legs were all cramped up from sitting. I gripped onto the chair for support and got up, limping my way towards the first bathroom I saw.
Coming back into the room, the women had set up a mirror and small table. I was forced to sit down, and close my eyes. Feeling brushes touch my face, and hair brushes running through my hair....I was finally at peace.

A good 20 minutes had passed. All the brushes stopped touching my face, while I heard a mist go off. It was probably for my hair, but I forced my eyes back open. The lady in front of me smiled, but I couldn't do anything. The feeling of thick foundation made me cringe, while the heavy false eyelashes weighed my eyes down. The women holding the dress told me to get up, and of course I had to. My hands gripping onto my towel, while I strided towards her.

She handed me undergarments and waited for me to change, the odd thing was no one left the room. After that weird moment, she unzipped the dress and told me to step in. Funny enough...this day was suppose to make me happy and emotional. But all I could feel was hatred and anger. I was supposed to be nervous to see my significant other, but instead I was angry to see him. The dress was now fully on, and I turned around to look at myself in the mirror. Expensive looking jewels decorated my top, while the bottom was horrendously big and heavy. Everything happened so fast, and next thing I knew I was being dragged out to a car.
Seonghwa POV

Buttoning the last button on my shirt, I looked at myself. Was this a mistake? Should I have just gotten my info revealed? I was doing all this to protect a company, but I couldn't even protect someone who was somewhat special to me. Staring at my reflection, I sighed and grabbed my jacket and headed out.

The drive was silent, the only thing heard was my heavy breathing. Why was I so nervous? The thought of seeing y/n in a dress made me feel all jittery, it made my heart race. But it was not like we were actually getting married. We are just doing this to save both our families companies, right?

The car came to a halt, and of course I got out. I covered my eyes as the camera light started to flash, reporters shouting random stuff to get my attention. Slowly walking forward, a security guard came towards me and guided me into the venue. The big wooden doors shut behind me, and all I could hear was the orogen playing. Fixing my bow, I looked up to see a man with the biggest smile on his face.
"Your going in 5 minutes Mr. Park."
Every word that came out of his mouth, his smile never left him. I found it almost creepy....but anyways. The 5 minutes was the longest 5 minutes of my life, I was getting impatient. But soon the man ushered me towards another set of large wooden doors, opening one for me to go in.

Entering, all eyes were set on me. I walked down with the most awkward look on my face, it looked as if I was constipated. But I soon made it down the aisle, and stepped up. My hands in front of me, while I waited for y/n. My heart rate was accelerating, and my hands were sweating profusely all of a sudden. 3 minutes in I started getting nervous...what if she doesn't show up? What if she just runs away? I mean I couldn't blame her for running away...she has every right to. But she also can't because this is Mr. L/n we are talking about. My mini conversation with myseld ended when I heard the doors open. The orogen got louder, while everyone stood up to admire the person heading in. My eyes looked at the person in the door...and of course it was y/n.

All eyes were on me, the heavy dress made every step harder. I kept my head low while I slowly dragged myself towards Seonghwa. It was one of the longest walks of my life, but of course I eventually was standing in front of Seonghwa. Betrayal washed over me, while I stared into his eyes. The eyelashes impaired my vision, but I could see some sort of guilt in his eyes. How could he do this to me? My eyes then wandered around the whole entire room. But they soon landed on my dad, his wicked smile displayed in his face. There was a women standing right next to him, my best guess was it was yet another one of his 'lovers'. She reapplied her neon pink lipstick while I was watching her.

Focusing my attention back onto Seonghwa, I heard the most dreaded words I wanted to hear...
"Do you, Park Seonghwa, take L/n Y/n to be your wife."
Glaring dagger onto Seonghwa, I really hoped he didn't say the 2 words. Because if he did my life would be over. He hesitated for a little, but in the end he said it. The old man instructing the whole thing looked at me and began saying his little speech.
"Now do you, L/n Y/n, tak-"
"I do"
I wanted this shit OVER WITH. Knowing what was coming next, I mentally prepared myself.
"You may now KISS!"
Clapping started to erupt from the crowd, and we weren't even kissing yet. Seonghwa looked at me and grabbed my head, while I grabbed his neck. His lips made contact with mine, and when they did it made my stomach feel weird. Letting go, we both walked down the aisle hand in hand.

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