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The walk with Mark back home was refreshing. Right after I entered my apartment I tossed myself to bed. But my sleep was interrupted by my lovely alarm. It did it's job waking me up and reminding me that I'm a college student in fucking debt. I did my usual morning routine and walked towards campus. Not really paying attention and again, bumping into someone. It was a familiar hard chest that almost made me tip backwards. But a strong hand gripped me and prevented me from falling. I looked up and saw a familiar gummy smiled boy... "Johnny?"
"That's me!" He replied happily. His smile and voice always brings a smile to my face. We again walked inside, the crowded hallways welcomed us. Johnny stopped causing me to stop. I gave him a questioning look... "This is my lecture room." He said, I made an "O" with my mouth and nodded. He ruffled my hair and bid me goodbye before entering. I was flustered at first but slowly walked to my lecture room and entered.
In the middle of class I felt my phone vibrate and it followed with my ringtone.
All eyes were on me, I gave the most awkward smile and answered it not looking at the caller ID.
"Good evening, is this y/n?"
"Yeah? Why?"
"Well your booked today at 5 pm the location is at Cherries steakhouse. We can't adjust the schedule this time..."
My brows furrowed and I looked to see the caller ID, and once I saw the name It made more sense
"Oh ok thank you..."
And with that I ended the call. Some students were giving the side eye and some just ignored me, and I completely understand why. Class went by pretty fast and next thing I knew It was already 4pm.
My hands struggled to put my shoes on while my eyes worriedly looked at the clock, time was ticking too damn fast. I stormed out my apartment door and headed down towards the sidewalk. Hailing a taxi was my next goal, and in no time I got one. Telling the driver my location was easy and all I had to do was worry about how I'm going to face Seonghwa.
It felt like time just flew right past, because I was already at the restaurant. I handed the driver the cash and stood next to the tall plant next to the restaurant doors. Fixing myself and checking to see if my makeup was in place was the only thing I could do to pass some time. Checking my phone and it read: 4:50 I was 10 minutes early. I was about to put it away but I felt it vibrate, my fingers swiped right and I heard a giddy voice.
"Yoo y/n where are you?"
"Well thanks for asking me how I'm doing, I'm great for your information."
"Oh my bad my bad heh...But where are you?"
"I'm currently waiting for someone at this restaurant. Why?"
"Oh I was gonna ask you if you wanted to go to the convince store with me but oh well..."
"Sorry Mark, maybe next time. Anyways how's your day?"
"It's been going, Jaemin gave us a day off today and I'm really bored."
"Oh why did he-"
I was cut off by a tap on my shoulder, looking over my shoulder my eyes widened
"Mark I'll call you later okay? Bye"
And I hanged up.
There in all his glory, Park Seonghwa with a button up white shirt, a black tie, and dress pants. My hands started to become clammy and I didn't know what to do or what to say. I just stood there and placed an awkward smile on my face. The silence was cut off by Seonghwa who took my hand and told me I looked nice before leading us in. The person working at the front desk knew who he was just by looking at him and lead us towards our table.
It was like our first meet up all over again, but this time my heart was pounding so hard in my chest. I refused to look up at him and practically buried my face into the menu. The serve came after what felt like a whole hour and took out orders. After taking away our menus, I was forced to look at Seonghwa who was already looking straight at me. After a good 4 minutes of awkward silence, I couldn't handle it anymore.
"So....Why did you ummm."
I took a sip of water and proceeded to finish my sentence
"Why did you call me hear today?"
He had his usual blank stare and took his glass of water and gulped it down. Not to sound weird or anything but the sight of him drinking water was magnificent. I could write a novel about it, the way his Adam's apple bobbed up and down and the way his plump lips wrapped around the perimeter. My eyes darted towards his hands and lips. After his little water show was done he finally answered.
"I just wanted to clear up some things...."

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