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"I just wanted to clear somethings up..."
I was confused on what he meant but I let him continue.
"About the date that I missed, it was because I was busy with my business."
Was I suppose to be shocked? I just nodded absentmindedly and just waited for him to continue on with his story. But I guess it was the end...
As if the waitress was sent from the heavens to cure our awkward silence, she placed our orders down.
I was going to dig right into my steak, but a hand took my plate. Looking up it was Seonghwa, who was cutting up my steak. It was a gentleman move, but I wasn't used to it. My mind told me to say something but I ended up sitting there silently.
He finally gave my plate back and I mumbled a small thank you. We didn't talk at all during our dinner, which in my mind was the most awkward thing ever. But the dinner also ended pretty quickly, he paid and we left. I knew that he was going to ask me to get in his car so he could drive me back to my house. But apart of me decided that I didn't need his little ride home. We had reached outside hand in hand and he lead me to his car. My mind was trying to find a way to decline politely, and I came up with one way...
"Get in I'm going to drive you home."
He said sternly, almost like a command. But I looked at him and shook my head signaling no.
"It's fine, I want to walk home. There somewhere I need to go after this."
I was suppose to freaking say that I wanted to take a walk and enjoy the scenery. But I guess that worked too...He just looked at me as if I was insane, but he nodded.
Seonghwa got in his car while I just stood there awkwardly. I expected him to drive off but he instead got out of the car with a hoodie. He handed it to me, more like silently forced me to take it because his eyes were giving me that stare...I took it and thanked him. Putting it on, I smelled a familiar scent. It was the same expensive cologne that I smelled when I was around him. He looked at me one last time and got in his car. I waved him off and waited for him to drive off, which he eventually did. I watched as his tail lights moved further and further from my sight. Taking a deep breath I walked towards my apartment. The stars glimmered the sky and the only things I could hear were the wind and my shoes. My eyes scanned the scenes in front of me. But soon after I heard another footstep, I didn't mind it at first but it got closer and closer. Causing me to quicken my pace, But that ended with me running. I was getting tired but I could see my apartment building standing tall and proud. My pace was slowing down a little, but next thing you know...a hand grabbed my wrist. It was strong and I couldn't escape, the most I could do was scream and try and pull back. The person dragged me into a ally and my heart quickened. I looked around and spotted the figure walking towards me. Trying to sprint out the ally was impossible, I was stuck. The person chuckled and by the sound of it, it sounded like a male. He was buff and taller than. The guy grabbed me by my waist which and kissing my neck, making me feel disgusted. All I could do was scream and thrash. I yelled and yelled, while the guys hands roamed my body. I cried and soon I gave up, right then and there I wanted to curl up into a ball and cry. But the guy stopped once he heard a voice...
"What the fuck are you doing to her?!?"

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