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Followed by someone tapping on my shoulder. Instantly I opened my eyes to see who was tapping my shoulders, looking over it was Seonghwa.
I replied back. Seeing that some people were leaving the aircraft, I knew he woke me up so we could get off. Getting up I followed Seonghwa off the plane. Leaving the airport was easier this time, judging that no one stormed us with cameras. Seonghwa lead us outside the airport, the hot and humid hair instantly hit me. Making my shirt stick to my skin, giving me un uncomfortable feeling. Paying no attention to what Seonghwa was doing, I tired my hair up.
"Y/n hurry up!"
His voice made me look up to see what he was doing. He had already hailed a driver, walking over towards the car. He opened the door for me and I got in.
"Don't you think it looks nice?"
Seonghwa said. He had been trying to cut the awkward silence in the car, it was so silent that the driver decided to turn the radio on. Y/n looked at Seonghwa and sighed, nodding to whatever he said before looking back out the window. She was drained from the long flight, still adjusting to the new time zone.
The car came to an abrupt stop, signaling that they had arrived at their resort. Both getting off, Y/n shielded her eyes from the bright sunlight. Taking notice, Seonghwa did the unbelievable...he took his hand and blocked the sun for her. This small gesture made Y/n's heart beat 100 times faster. Her cheeks started to get hot, causing them to turn pink. Of course this didn't go unnoticed by Seonghwa...
"Hey you getting hot?"
Hearing that, y/n snapped her neck towards Seonghwa's direction. Covering her cheeks, she nodded. The sight of y/n slightly squishing her cheeks made Seonghwa feel weird. It made his stomach feel....light? His heart started to beat rapidly, but he paid no mind to it. Excusing it to be because of the heat in Cancun. After the driver unloaded their luggage, the flushed couple headed in.
The crisp air conditioned lobby welcomed them. Seonghwa had checked the two in and decided to grab something to eat, while Y/n decided to head straight into their room to rest. Finding her way to where the beds were located, she expected there to be two beds. But of course there was one...a king sized bed facing the big window, giving them a breathtaking view of the ocean. Pushing that concern towards the side, she slipped out of her shoes. Instantly fallimg towards the bed. The comfort it gave her was indescribable, closing her eyes for a minute or two she stayed there. But the comfort was just too much, she decided to take a 'short' nap.
Seonghwa POV
I decided to grab something to eat, so after giving Y/n the room card I head straight towards the buffet. The rows and rows of food displayed instantly grabbed my attention. So doing what any human would, I grabbed a plate and chowed down.
After the small feast I had, I decided to head towards my room. With the spare card I opened the door, expected y/n to be doing something I let the door slam behind me. But the soft snores I heard made me feel guilty about doing that. Making my way towards the noise, I saw y/n scrunched up into a ball. Something in me just snapped, making me want to protect her from anything. My heart started doing a marathon, beating furiously. Grabbing my jacket that I brought with me to the airport, I covered her in it. Admiring her sedate state for a few more seconds, I decided to go on my phone to pass some time.

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