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A week later


I finally picked up my phone, it was way to early to be receiving calls. But the ringtone was getting on my nerves.

"You fucking useless bitch, look at what happened! How can I raise my revenue now?!"

Now who was calling me? I checked the ID, and of course it was the old man. But what was he complaining about?

"What do you mean?"

"So you haven't checked the news? The Jeongs have married their son off to another company! I swear to god once I find someone to marry you off to-"

And that's when I ended the call. How was this my problem? The guy was making enough money already, why does he need more? I decided that I should head downstairs to get my mind off of the dude.

Ending up with some cup noodles and a chocolate chip cookie in my hand, I decided to turn on the tv. And of course the first thing I see is:

BREAKING! Jeong Yunho has married one of the Kims corporations daughter! It has rumored to be Kim Nari, the middle daughter who was rumored to take over the company. . .

The dudes just marrying a women, what's so special about that? I switched over to another channel and continued to eat.


Frantic foot steps could be heard from upstairs. I looked over to the stairs and saw Seonghwa rushing down the stairs with his phone in one ear.

"What do you mean it was stolen? Double check and make sure no employees are leaving the company until I arrive!"

He practically yelled into the phone. I stared at him while he put his shoes on, getting up I went up to him. Tapping his shoulders, he whipped his head towards me while I looked at him with a questions stare.

"What happened?"

I expected him to answer, but instead he rushed out the door yelling...

"I'll tell you later."

Well that was confusing. I wasn't really bothered at how frantic he looked, which surprised me because he seemed really troubled. I would usually try to find out what happened myself, but I guess I already had enough going on in my own life.

Seonghwa POV

Rushing down the road, I could finally make out the tall building. Almost hitting my car while trying to park, I rushed into the building.

Frantic typing was heard throughout the work rooms, unanswered phones were ringing, and there were people dashing around to get as much info as possible. Why did this have to happen to me all of a sudden? My assistant, Hongjoong, ran up to me. His panting was pretty loud, but he managed to tell me what happened.

"Someone broke in....and they stole the latest papers on our designs for the computer. I think they took some USB's but I'm not so sure yet."

Now hold up...how did they get through the security system? The info was stored in such a tight and secure room, who would even get through the system?

"Check the cameras and bring up the security to room 20B. I want you to make sure every employee near room 7A is questioned about this person."

I was going to get myself prepared for a very long and exhausting day...

(Still Seonghwa's POV)

"Your telling me you let a man in without checking his employee ID?! Yet alone near the info room?"

My throat started burning from all the yelling I had done, these people infuriate me. My hands instantly went up to my neck tie, loosening it up. The whole situation seemed stupid to me, these people go through training for a reason!

The man looked at me with no emotion, as if he had done nothing wrong. Walking over to him, I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Your fired, get out of my sight...NOW!"

The man scurried out of the room, while everyone else looked at me.

"Now tell me, who else saw who he was?"

4 hands went up, each looking at me.

"Everyone who didn't raise their hands, your dismissed."

3rd person POV

It was a hectic day for Seonghwa, his companies newest info was stolen. What made it worse was that it was info on a whole new microchip for their computer.
In the midst of his questioning with a security guard, Seonghwa's phone rang.


"I heard what happened, and found out who might've sent the guy to steal the info."

"Father...as much as I would love to know who stole the info. I need to prevent any info being spread out."

"That's where my plan comes in son. Now listen up..."

And that's when Seonghwa had the most hardest decision to make.


It was already 11 PM...where is he? I didn't mind what happened at first, but once I opened my phone and saw what happened at his company it made me worry.

Finally getting up from the couch , I decided to go out to the backyard and get some sunlight. On the way however, I looked at my phone. The first notification being a news report on...

"One of the most secured manufacturers P.E.M. had their Info stolen? What the hell?"

And since then I was laying on the couch waiting for him to come home. I know it sounds pathetic, but that was the most I could do. I didn't want to risk getting caught, but I also wanted to help Seonghwa somehow.

??? POV

"Mhm...Lets have them get married by this month."

Satisfaction, that was what I felt. I finally got what I wanted, I could finally make more profits. And most importantly I could have someone take my place.

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