Perhaps, that was the reason why I've been too weak and careless.

I'm sure, even now... I'm still as foolish as before.

I simply hope that this time, things would go smoothly, as planned.

The rest of the day ended like that. Until, the moment of my meeting with the Duchess came in a blink of an eye.

Before we could begin, she dismissed the attendants around, which made me think that the matter should be kept between the two of us.

I wonder if it's acceptable to feel nervous over this..... I thought, fiddling my index fingers.

The mood started to become tenser and tenser as soon as the Duchess began to open her mouth and speak.

"Truth to be told, I....."

I gulped before she could continue her sentence, with a face that looked prepared enough for even a love confession.

"...dunno where I should start from."



We both stared at each other's bewildered expressions.

"Did you perhaps assumed that I was going to talk about it right off the bat?", she questioned.

I swiftly nodded twice, being a bit embarrassed.

"Is that... so.", uttered, the Duchess,
in a somewhat considerate manner.

".....Then, shall we?", she added with a seemingly flustered smile.

From then, I sharpened my sense of hearing as I managed to settle down from my nervousness. Meanwhile, Duchess Fleurette seemed as if she was preparing herself for the worst.

"As far as I've predicted, you'd resent me once this reaches your ears."

Watching her make a forceful smile not long after she said those words, could only pique my curiosity. I couldn't understand why she would proclaim that I'd resent her after she finishes her confession.

I didn't really know any particular issues that would trigger my hate toward the Duchess.

"...I don't think that will happen."

"No, it will happen. Without a doubt."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I just know it. And I'm also quite doubtful if you would ever forgive me."

For some reason, I felt like the woman before me right now seemed a bit different than usual. Today, the unpredictable aura that surrounded her vanished for some reason. And she showed a lot of expressions today as if she was being genuine. Frankly, it was quite of a rare sight to me. But still, I considered that this kind of personality suited her more, for she looked more like a person this way.

"Even that person looked at me with eyes of detest as soon as I discussed this with him. There's no way you wouldn't react in the same way.", she continued, as if she had already accepted it.

"Just what... is this about?"

The uneasiness that dwelled inside me days ago came back in less than a second.

"The former Priestess, Evangeline Cia De Clemente."

"If it's about the Priestess Evangeline, I am already aware that she's my birth mother-"

"I believe, she named herself Eve when she was demoted into a commoner.", she interrupted.

".......Did the Duchess... do a background check on me?"

"You could say that."

I suddenly came up with an incomplete theory as of why the Duchess decided to kill me in my previous life.

Perhaps, it was because she came to learn about the fact that I was Evangeline's daughter. However, even if we say that she loved the Duke in actuality, there are still too many holes left to be filled. Thus, some parts of it wouldn't make any sense.

"Was that the only thing that you wanted to confess...?"

"Not at all. Rather, I haven't mentioned it yet.", she said and took a sip of the untouched tea that was prepared at her side.

Then as soon as she placed down the teacup, she uttered.

"It wasn't an accident."


"Your mother died because of murder, Melissa."

With my mouth left slightly open, I stiffened up for several seconds before I could thoroughly respond to the Duchess.

"Why...? No- that's not it....."

"Even if you say so, who would-"

I paused, and widened my eyes, the moment I realized the answer that lied behind the expression of the person that reflected on my irises.

"Don't tell me-"

I was shaken. Not out of fear, but animosity and astonishment.

"Yes... I am to be found guilty-"

The Duchess didn't dare to avert her gaze and withstood the face that I was making. Afterward, she said.

"I killed her, Melissa."

I Promise, I'll Leave! But, With No Regrets!!Where stories live. Discover now