The Doctor is in > B

65 2 3

(Last part of doctor smileys oneshot)
Words > 480

You had to refuse, not only did you have no clue who he was but it sounded to good to be true which it always normally is. The doctor tried to per sway you into coming but you kept rejecting his offer. You would just wait until death took you rather then risk a so called "Free medicine" you'd rather die peacefully then let whatever this doctor gave you do the job.

He finally gave in and walked off but not before leaving you some business card I case you changed your mind. You looked between the business card and the man before he was gone from sight. You trashed the card, you knew if you kept it then you would go try and find him once your condition got to worse to bare. You slowly started to head home when you were hit with a wave or nausea. You quickly bent over into some bush and puked out your insides. It stung like never before almost burning even as if your stomach was trying to release all the acid in it out of you.

The pain just got worse as you tried to walk home but you refused to cave in until you got home. You slowly continued to walk before seeing your house in the distance you added a bit more speed to your walk before you finally got to the door.

The house was warm and welcoming but you still felt ill and sick, you knew you were never going to get better so you just accepted it and we're going to wait for death to finally claim you. You tried to walk upstairs only to have your legs give out and for you to crumble to the floor. You laid there in pain for a few seconds before crawling over to the couch for some type of relief.

You laid down and felt your eyes get heavy as you fought to stay awake for a little while longer. You tried to get up only to find it futile as your legs almost seems paralyzed. Black dots started to creep into the exes of your vision before for finally let go and fell into a sleep you'd never wake from.

You had died that evening and your body wasn't discovered until three days later. You had an unknown illness that nobody could make sense of. You had a (however way you want your funeral to go) afterwards the doctors from the lab who were testing the illness to see what it was finally gave it a name.

Y/N was the name of the illness based off the first person it ever killed. No cures have been found yet or anyway to slow the process down.

(I know this was short but I hope you enjoy it either way.)

Creepypasta oneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora