Pop goes the weasal

306 6 33

Warning > for LJs story in general might be a bit gorey.
B/N > brothers name

You and your family lived a normal life you were a teenager studying in school and having a normal life. Your parents both worked and kept food in the house and a roof over you and your little brothers head. Your life by far was a good life no real difficulty's at least not until your parents couldn't be home as often. Business trips started. You and your brother where always left home alone with you cooking  and trying to take care of him was really stressful especially when he started talking about an imaginary friend.

Your brother was 5 years old turning six in two months so having an imaginary friend was nothing out of the ordinary it was how he describes the friend that disturbs you.

He described Laughing Jack or LJ for short as a black and white clown with razor sharp teeth and claws and he was 7 feet tall. He even went on explaining the games he and LJ would play which concerned you more. They would play hide and seek, drawing and anything your brother would like but one game was unsettling. He talked about a game they played once about killing animals you didn't approve so you told him to stop playing that game before someone actually got hurt.

-present time-

You where downstairs making breakfast for you and B/N you had decided on shapes pancakes. You started making the dinosaur shaped pancakes when B/N came down smiling while talking to Jack. You had put three plates of pancakes on the table one in front of you and B/N and Jack. You didn't want to hurt your brothers feelings by saying he wasn't real so you played along.

As you happily ate In silence B/N was talking to Jack when his face suddenly went into shock as he turned towards you. You turned to him to ask what's wrong. But he just smiled and said.

"Jack says you look really peaceful in your sleep." B/N said giving off school girl giggles.

You where shocked his imaginary friend watched you in your sleep it was creepy but cute due to it being your brothers friend. You shook your head as you laughed a bit.

"Well tell Jack to stop watching me sleep before I start locking my door." You said playfully as you started cleaning up the table of the plates. B/N giggled as he pretended to take Jacks hand and run upstairs to his room.

After washing up you went upstairs to your room while walking you passed B/N room and stopped for a second it was faint but you swore you heard a second voice coming from within the room.

A > open the door and Check on B/N


B > leave it as your imagination and keep walking

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