Happy birthday Jeff

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The creepypasta house was quiet as everyone prepared for another party. Jeff's birthday had finally come around and everyone was celebrating. Ben and EJ had taken Jeff out of the house while everyone prepared, Sally Lost silver and Liu where on decorating duty while clockwork and the proxy's stood watch for Jeff, EJ and Bens return. Slenderman and Laughing jack where in the kitchen making all kinds of treats. While Jane was on stand by Incase Jeff cape back to early. All was going to plan Sally, Lost silver and Liu has completely decorated the mansion in black an white and some blood- while slenderman and LJ has just finished making the perfect cake for Jeff. (Picture above) Now the painful part waiting and knowing Jeff those kills could take hours.

-time skip of two hours-

Clockwork had finally reported having sights on Jeff, Ben and EJ walking back home. Everyone hid behind any random object in the house. Liu even put a lamp shade on his eye and stood still like a light. While everyone else got semi normal hiding spots.

EJ and Ben walked in and moved to the sides of the door while Jeff walked into the middle of the room holding out his arms.

"We all did this for Toby so don't expect me to be scared when you guys Pop out- Liu why you pretending to be a lamp???" Jeff said giving Liu a wtf kinda look as EJ and Ben quickly turned on the lights before everyone dies of laughter.

"Surprise!!!" everyone yelled as Sally pulled a string and a bucket of blood fell over Jeff's head. He quickly covered his eyes while laughing. Everyone saw that reaction to coming Toby got confetti, Jeff gets blood.

"AHHHHH yes let me bath in whoever's blood this is."

"It's Janes period blood." Liu said still under the lamp shade.

"On second though ima go bleach myself on fire again." Jeff said waddling off till slenderman yeeted him back over.

The night went on everyone ate cake and played games. Liu never left his lamp shade and sully was actually docile. Everyone danced threw knifes at random pictures of random people. Jeff and some others got drunk as hell before everyone finally went to bed after god knows how many hours of crazy ness.


Everyone woke up to the mansion a complete mess. Slenderman had a anime face drawn on his face. Sally and LJ were duct taped to the wall. Bens body hanging out the TV Tobys sleeping body hanging from the chandelier. Beers littered the floor. Jeff was bathing in the blood on the floor while EJ was trying to dissect clockwork. It was one crazy birthday party.

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