Static > A

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(Sorry for the waits between chapters I've been busy lately and I apologize for the inconvenience.)

Warning > Disturbing TV show

You had decided on channel 58, you click lay and it turned to an opening intro. At the end of the intro the screen showed what you assume to be the shows name. 'Candle Cove' you've never heard of it before but it seemed interesting. The screen then showed what looked to be a little girl and some pirate marionette standing in front of some really cheaply made cave.

The characters seemed to be talking back and fourth a girl named Janice was trying to get someone named pirate Percy inside the cave. Suddenly the camera switches to this marionette ship it had these googly eyes on it and its mouth looked like it was swallowing the sea. The camera zoomed in on it as it said,






The camera zoomed in after each word until right up to its face. Then it quickly zoomed out and back to Pirate Percy and Janice were. That finally got the pirate to agree as they walked inside the cave. You stood at the end of the couch leaning in anticipating what was about to happen. The screen was just pitch black like the ocean at night without a light you can't see the bottom. The screen then quickly cut to something that almost made you scream. The characters on TV did though.

There in the darkness was something that didn't look real. It was a floating skeleton head with this weird stitched together outfit hung around it. It looked like all different cloths had been stitched together thrown onto a skeleton head and called a day. The things name was the skintaker and its jaw moved only side to side it didn't open.

~Time skip~

It has been a few weeks now and all you did was watch that show. You adored candle cove but then one day when you put it on you suddenly didn't like it anymore. There was no intro you just saw the little girl standing there and then she just started screaming. A blood curating scream it sounded as if she was being cut open alive. The screen started to rapidly switch through all the characters they were all screaming. The skin takers face as it screamed scared you the most. Every time it flashed on him he got closer to the screen his mouth going back and fourth so much it seemed it would go flying at any minute.

You quickly grabbed the remote and shut off the TV. You never dared to touch it again. For almost all your childhood you wouldn't go near the TV only when a parents in the room or some adult.

~Time skip~ (because of lazy author :3)

You were now an adult with your own life. You had completely forgotten all about candle cove until on night. You joined this chat you saw a girl was trying to remember an old show she use to watch. As she describes the show more and more you quickly remembered it. You typed in the chat.

"The show was called crystal cove, it was on channel 58 and the main charater was a girl name Janice."

After typing it in you looked at your TV wondering if you could maybe find the old mystery show. You chatted about the show for a bit even that screaming episode, and by the looks of it that episode was the episode that made everyone stop watching. You had quickly logged off the chat to go to bed when your mother/father (you pick or you can pick a older sibling) called.

"Hey (who ever called name) you won't believe this." You said into the phone

"Oh what happened you didn't get hurt did you?"

"Oh god no, this chat I joined apparently all these other people watched candle cove, I can't believe I forgot about it."

The other end of the call went silent.

"Candle cove? How can people remember that whenever you went to watch that show you would turn on the TV and flip to channel 58 and you'd just watch dead static for 30 minutes."

You felt your heart stop. Dead static that couldn't be true you quickly ran to your TV, carelessly throwing your phone somewhere. You went to channel 58 and sure enough all that was there was static but somewhere beyond that static you could still hear the screams of the characters.

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