Golden Strings

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Art up top isn't mine.

Warning > in the golden strings roleplay there will be very sensitive topics along the lines of self harm and suicidal thoughts please if this triggers you do not read you've been warned.

You where in your freshman year of high school when the accident happened you where at school one day when you got called into the principals office. You slowly walked down wondering what you did wrong as you got to the office the principal of the school gave you a grim look.

"Miss L/N I regret to inform you but your mother was hit by a drunk driver and she didn't make it." The principal informed you. You felt like you couldn't breath this wasn't real right it couldn't be.

You where taken out of school to go to the police station your mother was your only family left. Your dad had died in the military before you where even born. You where probably going to be put in foster care or sent to a relative to take care of since you highly
Doubt they'll let a 15 year old live alone.

Once arriving to the police station your suspicion was true there stood your aunt. She sadly smiled at you and nodded her head letting you know you where right. You didn't even need to speak she could always tell by the look in your eyes what you where thinking. After signing many different papers and discussing things hours on end you and your aunt had finally started to drive back to her house.

When arriving you had been sent up to the guest room to do the homework you where given before leaving. You ended up half assing it because you couldn't focus you ended up crying yourself to sleep that night. You couldn't focus for weeks you kept crying and having outbursts in class because of the grief. Which to your doom caught the eye of a Certain puppet boy.

He watched from afar and slowly ever so slowly pulled you more and more into your grief he feed off it craved it like a drug. Your aunt has noticed this and decided to ask you if you wanted to go to therapy.

A > Accept the therapy

B > decline saying you don't need it

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