Spread the word > A

159 2 5

R/N = random girls name

You decided to send it to R/N. she's been bothering you for a while and just for the laugh. You opened her (what ever social media) and sent her the photo. It went under seen but no reply back so you assumed she blocked you or ignored you or something.

You had gone back to school once the weekend was over and you saw R/N she looked on edge like she hadn't slept well. You shrugged it off as maybe she had a hard time falling asleep.

Days passed and R/N had only looked worse and worse. She started acting paranoid and she was starting to become afraid of everyone. You decided to try and talk to her but when you did she screamed and ran away. You had given up so you left her alone.

Two months later you heard the news that R/N was found dead inside an ally with what looks to be Siberian husky teeth marks on her neck. You were weirded out you never saw any husky before in this town before.

That's when you remembered the picture you opened it up and looked at the dog again and go figure the smiling dog from the looks of it was a Siberian husky. Just then you felt a chill go up your spine it couldn't be could it that you could've been in R/N's place if You never sent her that photo.

A/N > I just realized I haven't said anything about the art in this book. THE ART ISN'T MINE I DIDN'T DRAW ANYTHING! Credit to whoever did because in all honesty I can't even draw a stick figure. Have a good day everyone ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ

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