A walk in the woods > B

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You had kept walking away from the page you walked straight the entire way figuring if you kept walking in one direction you'd get out eventually. But after what felt like an hour or so of walking you where right back at The tree with the paper you didn't believe it you walked away again a different direction only to come back to that one paper. You hesitate but you grabbed the paper you heard a faint static but shrugged it off.

You had about found 6 pages after wandering around for a while you kept hearing static ever once in a while but ignored it and kept walking. You had found another paper with what looked like trees drawn on it but one of the trees looked more like a person. You grabbed it and put it with the rest of the papers you found so far. This time though before walking away you heard the static and turned around only to meet something you didn't even think could excite.

A tall man in a suit stared at you he didn't have a face. You started to back away when you notice something black coming out of its back. You ran for it you didn't care what happened you just knew you had to run. The static in your head was going up and down from calm to hurricane amounts of static. While running you came across another paper you didn't even care what was on you grabbed it and kept running. You screamed as you fell to the ground getting your foot caught on a tree root but when you looked up it wasn't the foggy misty forest anymore it was the forest you had entered.

In a daze panic you got up and kept running till you got inside your home still believing that thing was following you. Your adrenaline finally stopped and that's when you felt a pain on your neck. You looked in the mirror to see a long red line going from your neck to your coaler bone. It looked like if you didn't run when you did that thing would've sliced your neck open.

You went up into your bedroom and looked out your window and froze your window faced the forest and what you saw made you want to crawl into a hole and die. The man stood there along the tree line staring back at you and was holding a neck less in his claws (slender doesn't have hands right there more like claws???) it was your necklace he must've grabbed it when he tried to cut your neck. You blinked and he was gone from that day on you never went anywhere near that forest or any other in fear you'll meet him again and you won't be so lucky on making it out alive.

Here's choice B I will probably make another roleplay later on today I'm not sure but you'll have one before Thursday

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