Bloody Portrait > A

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Again whatever picture is up top isn't mine credit to the talented artist who made it.

You didn't know what you where doing but before you could even wrap your head around what was happening you where already running upstairs. You instantly ran to your room in a panic and tried prying open the window. Only to find it pried shut on because of the lock.

You tried to unlock the window but you had already heard heavy footsteps running upstairs. In your desperate panic you ran over to hide in your closet. You had managed to hide yourself behind a few stacks of clothes and random things lying around in your closet when you heard your bedroom door get kicked open.

You heard rummaging and things being thrown around. You never made a peep though trying to control your breathing and not make a sound. Suddenly it went quiet but you didn't move. It had gone quiet but you never heard him leave your room. You knew this type of killer move they would act like they left to get the victim to come out but you weren't falling for it.

Finally you heard a them sigh and walk out of the room. You didn't move though, you waited and waited. You lost the amount of time that passed wondering if he was still listening in or had left. You finally decided to try and get up and look around. You slowly crept from your closet and looked around your room. Nothing seemed out of place or missing. So you went downstairs everything was as it was except for your front door. It was wide open looks like he really did leave.

You slowly walked back up to your room after closing and locking everything in the house. You crawled into bed and got comfortable you stayed awake most of the higher staring at the window. Eventually though your eye Lids got heavy and started to close and sleep overtook you.

Before you truly lost consciousness though you had remembered that you forgot to check the basement. You shrugged it off until you heard something you never wanted to hear.

Your bedroom door creaking open. You froze and pretended to sleep you didn't know how to react to this situation. You felt a hand going through your hair and you felt someone's breath on your face. Luckily there breath didn't smell that bad or else you would've been given away. They seemed to do this for awhile before you heard the person get up.

You felt them pull at a part of your shirt while they fiddled with something else. You felt something cling onto your shirt as they let go. The mystery person seemed to walk away but you refused to open your eyes afraid of giving yourself away. You heard your window opening and then heard what sounded like a mans grunts while trying to get out.

Your window had been closed and it had been quiet for awhile when you finally decided to open your eyes. There on your shirt laid a pink smiley face pin. You looked around but couldn't find the man who broke in or left this. You decided to discard it and just go to bed and get the police in the morning and better security.

You feel into a deep sleep that night not noticing that through your bedroom window the mysterious man counties to watch your sleeping form.

(There we go part A to bloody painters story Part B should be out in the next 1-2 days)

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