Whats happening to the TV > A,B

343 3 11

C/N = chip name
D/n = Drink name

You had continued playing the game you made it a few more levels higher but the pain and energy it took was unbelievable. It was now 11:34 am your stared this game 2:56 pm and you where only level 9 due to the glitches. (Or stage 9 again never played Zelda) you where practically about to faint. An hour later you finally did you fell asleep controller in hand laying down on the floor next to a bag of C/N. Your TV started to glitch a hand reached out of the TV and snatched the bag of C/N and retreated back. The TV then showed the Zelda game playing except the link now had bleeding eyes and a bag of C/N.

You woke up that morning to find your C/N bag gone when you looked around you couldn't find it assuming you where low on sleep and might of just eaten it all you went down to the kitchen to grab another bag. You came back to your room to find the Zelda game working again. You has played normally until 12:34 am and then you like the night before you had passed out this time with d/n next to your feet. Like last night a hand reached out of the glitching TV and snatched your d/n. The screen turned back to normal to now show the bleeding eye link with a d/n in his hand.

This continued for another 2 weeks before you finally finished the game. Before you could shut off the Tv and take out the game you noticed a text on the screen.

"Please keep leaving snacks out by the TV I haven't eaten this well in years if you do I'll let you live." The red text read. You scanned it over again before smiling to yourself ever since that night you'd randomly leave food by the Tv. Only to find it gone in the morning.

(I wanted to do something funny with this chapter and I came up with this) -author

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