Whats your order sir?

452 5 15

Today was your first day at your new job. You where a freshman in high school and decided to give working a part time job a try. You had been hired at your towns local diner. The diner wasn't anything special normal amount of people. You lived in a pretty small town so everyone knew each other well.

-Time skip-

It was becoming late and the diner was closing soon. You where cleaning the dishes in the back when you heard the bell ring. You went out to the front due to the fact you where the only person still at the diner. You stopped to look at the man you've never seen him before. He was wearing some face mask and had brown hair and had googles on. He looked over at you as you walked over.

"Hello welcome to the sunlight diner how may I help you?" You asked the man. He looked at you before speaking.

"Hello my names Toby I was wondering if I could order or if it was to late?" He asked . You didn't see a problem so you where about to say yes when something caught your eye. A cinnamon red substance dripping off a hatchet being hung around his waist. You froze it was blood you didn't know what happened but you where suddenly filled with fear as you looked up at him. His head was titled waiting for an answer.

A > Serve Him food

B > tell him your closing soon.

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