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You couldn't move you had froze completely as the cold object traced your neck. You looked at the man in fear as he stares down at you almost smiling it was hard to tell with the mask.

"W-who are y-you?" You asked In a stutter scared for your life. The man looked at you sickly before chuckling a bit.

"Oh Y/N don't you remember me your pall Jack?" The man said mockingly staring you in the eye. You couldn't believe it The man who helped you with school and finales was about to kill you. In your state of shock you didn't realize the scalpel cutting into your skin. Your nerves finally kicked in and you screamed before he covered your mouth.

"Shhhhh" he whispered into your ear as he continued to cut into your flesh.

"It's such a shame Y/N I really liked you it only things could've gone differently." You were crying at this point you never thought this could've happened but yet here you are bleeding out on the floor.

"Don't worry Y/N your kidneys will be put to good use." Jack sickly stated as your body went cold.

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