Golden Strings > A

138 3 11

Art up top ain't mine credit to whoever actually made it.

You signed and went into thought. You knew you weren't acting fine and you knew yourself that this wasn't healthy and you needed to see a therapist. You looked up at your aunt and slowly nodded accepting the therapy. Your aunts face seemed to lit up as you said yes.

You where sent up with an appointment with a therapist named Mrs.Sarah you had started talking to her and felt a lot better. You had told her your memories your pain and she listened and smiled. You had started to go weekly and you where getting better which lets just say angered a certain puppeteer.

He feed off someone's grief and depression luring them into an even weaker state till they finally surrendered to him and became his puppet. He hated this therapist but he couldn't really touch her if she wasn't depressed or grieving. So he tried instead to make you grieve more from showing old photos making you have dreams about the past, nothing worked. You where getting better which wasn't good in his case.

You had started going back to school and your grades had gone up big time. You had made even new friends and got along with everyone and your life seemed pretty well you where smiling again for once. You and your aunt formed a more healthy relationship and you even convinced her to get you a corgi. You where the happiest person on earth.

Puppeteer had lost the fight you where no longer depressed enough for him to even touch or harm you which lead to him having to find another victim.

You survived the puppeteer, for now at least

(Yea I know this was kinda lazy but that's because this ain't my type of ending but I couldn't think of another plot don't worry part B will be better promise —author)

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