*Chapter Thirty Four* {Rose}

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"How does this work?" Jeremy asks standing with Bonnie and Alvina in Alaric's classroom

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"How does this work?" Jeremy asks standing with Bonnie and Alvina in Alaric's classroom. On the desk in front of them is a map laid out with two candles. Apparently, Elena decided to go missing. This didn't bother Alvina but it did bother her mate, so it in a way (a very small way), it did bother her.

"I'll use your blood to draw energy for the tracking spell. You're blood related; it'll help make the connection stronger," Bonnie explains preparing for the spell. 

"Alright, Alaric said we've got to clear out of here within ten minutes," Stefan says marching into the room. The determination is clear on his face and Alvina briefly wonders why trouble is always surrounding the older Gilbert sibling. How many times are their lives going to revolve around her because she's in some sort of situation that she can't get out of herself?

"Are you ready?" Bonnie asks looking at Jeremy with a knife in her hands. Alvina growls knowing Bonnie needed to get Jeremy's blood but it didn't matter. Alvina didn't like anything that caused Jeremy pain, even if it was just a cut.

Jeremy, sensing his mate's discomfort, takes the knife from Bonnie. The witch watches him curiously but he simply hands the knife to Alvina. The fairy looks at him while gently taking the knife from his hands.

"I trust you," He whispers hoping that if it were Alvina cutting into his hand she would be less likely to snap and go into an over protective mode. He could only imagine her doing something to Bonnie over a simple cut, even if she didn't have any malicious intent.

Sighing, Alvina cradles Jeremy's hand in hers. She gently presses the knife into his hand just deep enough to draw enough blood for the spell. Bonnie instantly recites the spell but Alvina doesn't listen. She looks at Jeremy's hand, frowning at the cut.

"It doesn't hurt," Jeremy mumbles. Alvina smirks glancing up at him.

"Sexy and tough," Alvina hums. "How'd I get so lucky?" She whisper winking at him. Jeremy doesn't bother hiding the shit eating grin that takes over his face.

"There. She's there." Bonnie says bringing everyone's attention back to the map. Jeremy instantly frowns.

"That's 300 miles away," He notes.

"No, Bonnie, we need a more exact location than that," Stefan tells her shaking his head. Bonnie shrugs slightly.

"That's as close as I can get,"

"We can map it, aerial view will show us what's around there, help us narrow down the area," Jeremy suggests.

"Add smart to the list," Alvina purrs to low for Bonnie to hear. His cheeks flush and his weight leans towards her.

"Perfect," Stefan says ignoring what Alvina had said. "Call me with whatever you find,"

"No, no I'm coming with you," Jeremy says pulling his hand from Alvina's. He moves to stand with Stefan but Alvina blocks his path.

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