*Chapter Twenty Eight*

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*Y'all ready for a plot twist? No gif for this chapter, got a new computer and still need to transfer the pics I have saved. Might add one later but who knows.*

"Well," Alvina mutters walking out of the shower drying her hair. Damon and Enzo turn to her only now returning from their 'guys night'. "at least you two didn't kill each other." 

Both Damon and Enzo were wearing torn clothes. Their hair was pointed in all directions as well. It was obvious the two of them did more than just hunt down Augustine members. Alvina knew they needed to work things out. She should have known that they would opt for trying to tear each others hearts out over simply talking things over.

"Where's Emilia?" Damon asks searching the room while Enzo shamelessly stares at Alvina, who's only wearing a towel around her body.

"She left," Alvina says as gently as she could. "She's sorry she didn't wait to say goodbye but she didn't want either of you convincing her to stay,"

"She just left?" Enzo asks meeting my gaze. Alvina slowly nods offering him a sympathetic smile. "I don't know why I'm surprised, it is something she'd do" He says with a casual look but Alvina could see past his façade. 

"Did she say where she was going?" Damon asks.

"Probably to Utah." Enzo guesses. "She grew up there, talked about returning a couple of times"

"That's what she told me," Alvina nods confirming Enzo's guess. "I gave her your number," Alvina smirks towards Damon. "When she figures out how to text and call, expect to hear from her"

"Why would you do that?" He asks. Alvina rolls her eyes.

"Because I'm not blind," Alvina states. "You two were practically tearing each other apart with your eyes" She tells him. "And not in the way you two tried to do over the night, no, I'm talking about... ya know.." Alvina winks at Damon who rolls his eyes but smirks slightly. "Oh, but word of warning she might thing you're me because I told her it was my number not yours" Damon opens his mouth but Alvina continues talking. "I didn't want her to be hesitant to contact you. She might get in contact faster if she thinks it's me she's reaching out to,"

"Smart" Damon finally spits out.

"I have my moments" Alvina grins. "Quite often if I do say so myself," Damon rolls his eyes.

"I'm going to take a shower," Damon declares. "Please refrain from any R-rated activities, these walls are thin" He says grabbing some clothes before going towards the bathroom.

"Hurry up, Damon" Alvina snaps. "I wanna get home and to Jeremy,"

"Yeah, yeah" He waves closing the bathroom door.

"If you take too long I'm stealing your fucking car and leaving you here!" Alvina warns.

"Don't you dare Miller!" Damon shouts.

"Try me Salvatore" Alvina smirks before turning towards Enzo. 

"Jeremy?" He questions raising an eyebrows. "Jeremy what?"

"Jeremy Gilbert," Alvina gives him a sheepish smile. "You know how it's possible for someone to have more than one soulmate? Well, I have four in total" She says showing him her arms.

"Well, things certainly are getting interesting" Enzo mutters looking at her various soul-marks.

"Tell me about it," Alvina say eyeing his reaction. His eyes lift and he gives her a small grin. "What is it?" She asks. He wordlessly takes off his jacket and rolls up his sleeves.

"Never considered myself as gay," Alvina's eyes widened as she looked at his arms. "Or I guess the term would be bisexual," She gently grabs his wrists and sees two soul-marks on each wrist just like her own. "Jeremy Gilbert, you say" He mutter dragging his thumb over the J.G. mark. Alvina smiles as she looks at her mark, A.C.M, which is in gold letting on his wrist just like his, L.S.J., mark is on hers.

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