*Chapter Sixty Seven* [Another World]

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The plan was horrible. It should have never come to mind, and they should have never walked out of the diner. It was surely going to get them killed. Katherine was confident none of them were going to make it out alive, but they wouldn't listen to her objections.

Alvina believed the plan to be fool proof. Especially since she was prepared to just go in fangs blazing just a couple of hours ago. As long as most things went in their favor then the only life, they had to worry about losing was Katherine's. Neither Alvina nor Bonnie were that particularly worried about the vampire's wellbeing thus having no objections to proceed with said plan.

The plan started with Katherine going into the hotel and compel some staff to find out which room Mikael is in. Bonnie is going to try to keep him inside the hotel using her magic. Alvina will shrink to a size that is far too small for the human eye to see and search for the stake. Once Mikael is found Katherine is in charge of distraction. So, if something goes wrong Katherine's the first to go allowing Alvina to get to Bonnie and the two of them make their escape. If everything went right, they would have the stake.

Now, what they did after they retrieved the stake was a little iffy. The main goal is to kill Mikael. So, Alvina simply assumed the actual killing bit would be where they improvised. There isn't much you can plan out when trying to kill an Original. At least not a plan you can actually believe will be followed.

Luckily, or Katherine that is, none of the girls make it to the hotel. In fact, they barely make it to the street before something interrupts them. Rather, someone.

Alvina had been in the lead. She was going to head into the alley beside the hotel to shift forms and fly into the hotel. Bonnie was going to stay in that alley to perform the spells while Katherine walked through the front doors. Only, when Alvina stepped outside she ran into someone. Literally.

Alvina wasn't bothered by it and was prepared to keep moving when she sensed it. Her head whipped around to the person she had bumped into. They continued walking down the street and Alvina quickly followed them.

"V?" Bonnie asks, sharing a look with Katherine.

"Is this part of this halfcocked plan of yours?" Katherine asks. Bonnie sighs and follows after Alvina. Katherine rolls her eyes but follows, nonetheless.

"Hey!" Alvina asks, taking long strides after the dark-haired woman. "Hey, wait up!" Alvina breaks out into alight jog.

"V, what's going on? Who is she?" Bonnie asks, jogging to catch up. Alvina doesn't answer and follows the woman down an abandoned street.

"Yeah, because this isn't suspicious," Katherine mutters feeling on edge as the woman they had been following disappeared in thin air.

"Alvina?" Bonnie asks, also feeling on edge. Alvina continues to be silent as she looks around for the woman.

"Hello, little Cherub," A woman greets from a few feet behind them. Bonnie and Katherine instantly whip around but not Alvina. Alvina continues to stand very still.

"Who are you?" Bonnie asks, feeling a surge of protectiveness as she senses Alvina's discomfort. The woman in front of her felt off. She felt powerful but there was something... dark to her.

"I've gone by many names over the centuries," The woman says mysteriously. Katherine rolls her eyes at the theatrics. "My common name is Calypso," She introduces herself. "But you used to call me something different... didn't you, Alvina?"

Katherine and Bonnie's eyes flicker back to Alvina. Bonnie eyes Calypso closely not wanting to let her guard down but also wanting to check on Alvina. She keeps the new comer insight while moving closer to her friend.

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