*Chapter Forty Four* {Know Thy Enemy}

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"Bonnie? What are you doing here?" Alvina asks, finding the Bennett witch standing just inside of the Boarding House

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"Bonnie? What are you doing here?" Alvina asks, finding the Bennett witch standing just inside of the Boarding House. She quickly turns towards the fairy. "Oh God, are you ok?" Alvina questions, concern coursing through her body. Bonnie looked sickly, as if she could barely keep her eyes open and was running an hour of sleep. 

"I need to talk to you," Bonnie states, her eyes bouncing around in paranoia. "In private," Alvina doesn't question it.

"Alright, come on," Alvina gently rubs Bonnie's arm while directing her out of the boarding house. The two climb into Bonnie's car, Alvina driving upon insistence. Only when Alvina knows they're outside of earshot does she question Bonnie.

"I need a favor," Bonnie states, fidgeting in her seat. Alvina nods slowly, her eyes glancing towards Bonnie as her mind tries to put together what's going on. Eventually, Alvina pulls the car off to the side and shift to face her.

"Your heart is pounding, try to calm down a little," Alvina says, reaching for her hand. Bonnie grips it tightly while avoiding eye contact. "What's going on? What do you need me to do?" Bonnie opens and closes her mouth multiple times, her mind reeling for the right words. Alvina tries to comfort her but it doesn't seem to really work. 

"Do you know where Elijah is?" Bonnie finally whispers, her head hanging down. Alvina pinches her eyebrows.

"Not exactly but Damon was in charge of his body so he shouldn't be too hard to find," Alvina shrugs. "Damon's a lot of things but hiding things is not his forte," Bonnie forces a small smile. "What do you need him for?" Bonnie presses her lips together, her heart rate speeding up once more.

"I can't sleep," She whispers, reluctantly meeting Alvina's gaze. Once their eyes lock, Bonnie finds it impossible to look away. Soon she's suffering from word vomit. "He's in my head, I can't get him out. I tried to keep distance from him but it feels impossible. I don't know who to talk to, I don't know who I can even tell. I can't talk to Elena and I certainly cannot tell Damon and Stefan. I can hardly even admit it myself but I can't not admit it," Bonnie whimpers. "One second he was there and then he was gone and I can't find him and I tried to move on but I can't. I can still... I can still feel him," 

Had Bonnie been to a mere human she would have sounded like a lunatic. However, Alvina instantly picked up on what Bonnie was trying to say. Alvina couldn't help but to feel sympathetic to Bonnie as the witch sits ridged and anxious.

"Bonnie," Alvina whispers, squeezing her hand. "Elijah's your soulmate," She states. Bonnie's eyes close and her head drops.

"I don't know if I can trust him... I know nobody else does... I tried to fight it, to ignore it but..." Bonnie sighs, her head leaning back against the headrest.

"I know," Alvina says, her thumb brushing over Bonnie's skin comfortingly. "You need him back," Bonnie slowly nods. 

"And I know he wants Elena to go through with the ritual, I know he has other plans and secrets but maybe I can talk to him. Maybe I can get him to tell us the whole truth, to tell us everything," Bonnie blurts, hopefully. 

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