*Chapter Sixty Six*

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"Do you miss home?" A small, younger Alvina questions her mother. Calypso tends to the garden in front of where Alvina is perched.

"I am home, sweetheart," Calypso states, pulling weeds under the hot sun. Alvina huffs and rests her head on the palms of her hands allowing her head to run wild with what the Fairy's village looked like.

Her mother would go through phases where she'd talk Alvina and her father's ear off about the magical place she had grown up in and then wouldn't say a single word about it no matter how hard Alvina pried. Alvina didn't mean to be rude when her mother was in a 'no talking' kind of mood, but her curiosity was hard to quench. All Alvina has ever known is this little cottage in the middle of nowhere. The idea that an entire forest filled with magical beings like herself was hard to not dream about.

"I miss aspects of my old home," Calypso gives in. She stands from the dirt and walks over to her daughter. Alvina's eyes follow her mother as she plops down beside her in the cool shade.

"Like what?" Alvina asks, perking eagerly. Calypso smiles fondly 

"The community," Calypso tells her. "Fairies can be the most loyal creatures in the world. If they consider you family, then they'll do anything for you. They'll protect you, laugh with you, cry and mourn with you. You will never be alone when there's a loyal fairy by your side,"

"Are you lonely, mom?" Alvina asks, her excitement fading slowly. Calypso gently grabs her daughters chin and urges Alvina's saddening eyes to look at her.

"No, my little cherub," Calypso smiles, letting Alvina's chin go to pet the back of her soft head. "I have you and your father and that is all that matters. I have everything," She kisses the top of Alvina's head.

"What about friends? Or... Or pets!" Alvina asks, trying to find out everything there is to know about the life that her mother used to live. Calypso laughs softly.

"Well, there was one friend who I was closer too than most others," Calypso says. Alvina shifts eagerly. "Her name was Leona. We were inseparable," Calypso whispers with a distant smile.

"Where is she?" Alvina asks. "If you two were always together... why isn't she here?" Alvina wonders.

"Because.... When I left I... I left everything behind..." Calypso mutters. Alvina waited for a few moments. She didn't want to attack her mother with questions, but she was being so vague, and it wasn't nearly enough for Alvina.

"Why did you leave?" Alvina asks hesitantly. Calypso lowers her eyes.

"A very long time ago, long before even I was born, the fairies and the humans... Well, they had a... disagreement. Since that disagreement the fairies decided that it was best to keep their distance from the humans as much as possible. So, when I found and fell in love with your father the fairies, I had grown up with became very angry with me. So, I was... So, I left," Calypso explained watering down much of the details. Details far too scary for such a bright and innocent mind.

"And Leona didn't come with you?" Alvina whispers.

"Leaving with your father was and is my journey. It's where the path of life lead me. I could not ask Leona to leave everything behind to follow me. I miss her dearly, but I do not regret a single thing," Calypso promised.

"Will I ever see your old home" Alvina asks, and Calypso hesitates. She knew Alvina would never be accepted amongst the community she had grown up in, but she didn't want to dishearten her.

 "Maybe one day, little Cherub but now it's time for lunch," Calypso whispers, kissing Alvina's head before standing.

"Maybe he's not in town anymore," Bonnie suggests, breaking Alvina from her thoughts as she sits sitting across from her. The two were in an ice cream parlor trying to brainstorm ideas on where Mikael could be.

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