*Chapter Sixty Eight*

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*Hello everyone! I'm alive! And I hope the ending to this chapter makes up for me practically disappearing for so long! Enjoy!*

None of them knew where they were. While everything around them gave the illusion that they were back in Mystic Falls, it was very clear that something was amiss.

Bonnie wandered up and down the street trying to make sense of where they're at. All the houses looked the same, but the cars parked on the side of the streets were out of style yet looked brand new. The only thing Bonnie found were more questions instead of answers.

Katherine stared at the Gilbert house going over the last moments before Calypso sent them to this place. Eventually she looks down at Alvina. The fairy sits in the grass staring at her soulmarks. Katherine didn't like Alvina, not in the slightest, but even she felt the tiniest bit of pity for her. It wasn't easy being taken from the ones you love, especially if those ones were soulmates.

"Hey, take a look at this," Bonnie says. Katherine glances over to see her standing in the road with a newspaper in hand. She saunters over to Bonnie.

"Rare solar eclipse expected to be seen across 12 states," Katherine reads disinterested. She gives Bonnie a look which the witch returns.

"The date," She deadpans, Katherine glances back at the paper.

"May 10th, 19... 1994," Katherine says, slowly looking back up at Bonnie. "The hell?"

"Alvina?" Bonnie calls out. Katherine looks back to where the fairy had been only to see the space empty. She listens for her and notices she didn't go far.

"She's in the house," Katherine tells Bonnie. "Question... Exactly how unhinged is she?" Katherine asks softly. Bonnie wanted to snap at her and defend Alvina, but the question is reasonable. After all the drama between her and her mates only to find out that your mother is back from the dead as a manipulative bitch and now, she's in some world where she can't feel the ones she loves... it's enough to push anyone over the edge. Hell, Bonnie could feel her sanity slip the more she realized that she couldn't reach Elijah but instead of falling apart she was determined to figure all this out and a way back to her.

"I'm gonna check on her," Bonnie mutters, giving the paper to Katherine and entering the house.

The house seemed so alike yet so different from the house she's used too. It has the feeling like you just bought it and had yet to make it a home. There's no picture of Elena and Jeremy nor their parents. The decorations are different throwing off the homey feel she used to get.

Bonnie slowly made her way to the room where Jeremy would eventually live in. There she find's Alvina standing in the middle of it. The room has nothing in it - zero personality - but Bonnie hopes that despite it being completely bear Alvina finds some kind of comfort.

"I was thinking that maybe we go to the Salvatore house and try to find some old grimoires... Maybe somewhere in there will be answers," Bonnie suggests gently.

Alvina didn't respond. She made no move to acknowledge Bonnie; it made the witch wonder if Alvina even knew she was behind her. Alvina seems so far inside her own head that Bonnie doubted she even recognized what was around her.

"I'll let you know if I find anything," Bonnie mutters before stepping out of the room.

Alvina doesn't move for a long time. She couldn't process what was happening. The pain became so intense that it just numbed her. She felt as if she couldn't move nor think properly. Her body was in this prison but so was her mind.

Bonnie and Katherine went to the Salvatore home. Katherine considered leaving but soon came to the conclusion that Bonnie is the best way to get out of... whatever mess they've gotten themselves into.

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