*Chapter Four* {Night of the Comet}

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"Hey, Tyler

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"Hey, Tyler. Hey, I'm sorry to interrupt" Alvina watches from a distance as Jeremy marches up to Tyler Lockwood. The boy was supposedly Vicki's boyfriend. "I was just wondering how Vicki's doing since you guys are so close. Is she ok?" He asked.

"She's fine, now get out of here" Tyler shooed.

"How bad is she?" Jeremy pressed. "Do you know what attacked her?" He continues to pester the Mayor's son. Alvina smiles slightly.

She liked how Jeremy was so protective and loyal, however, she felt jealous that he's spending so much time being protective and loyal to Vicki Donovan. She wished Jeremy was supernatural, that way he would know about the soul-mark and this would all move a lot faster. 

"I'm gonna kick your ass" Tyler threatens. Alvina tilts her head slightly.

"Yeah, you keep saying that, but when are you actually going to do it?" Jeremy challenges. "Huh? 'Cause I vote for right here and right now" He snapped shoving Tyler. Alvina slowly inches closer.

"Walk away, Gilbert" Tyler snapped. "It's your final warning."

"No, this is your final warning, dick. I'm sick of watching you play Vicki. If you hurt her one more time, I swear to God, I will kill you" Jeremy threatened before storming off. Alvina smirks and walks after him, though she feels as if she has to jog to catch up to him.

"Jeremy!... Jeremy!" Finally, he notices her trying to catch up to him. He grins to himself as he comes to a stop and turns towards her. She smiles at him and stops beside him. "How are you holding up?" She asks knowing that Vicki being attacked shook him up.

"I'm fine" He shrugs. "Just wish Tyler would stop being a dick head" She grins and shrugs.

"Some people don't change," She told him. "What're you doing after school?" She asked as they walked down the hall. He shrugs. "I don't know if you remember or not but you owe me a tour of the woods" She grins at him. He laughs and nods.

"How could I forget?" He grins at her. She smiles back. "Meet you out front after school?"

"Sounds good to me" She nods. She then leans up and kisses his cheek. "I can't wait" She winks at him before wondering to her next class. 

Eventually, not nearly soon enough, the final bell rings. She practically darts out of class to meet up with Jeremy. She pouts slightly when she doesn't see him but soon realizes that she simply got there before him. She only waited a few minutes before he joins her.

"Ready?" She asked reaching for his hand. He doesn't hesitate to give it to her, a smile coming onto his face as their fingers interlock and the warm feeling spreads through him. They walk together through the parking lot and into the woods.

"If I remember correctly, you really like the woods. You have some kind of connection with... nature?" He asked hoping he was remembering correctly. She grins and nods.

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