*Chapter Twenty Three* {Brave New World}

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"What's up with you?" Jeremy asks Alvina

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"What's up with you?" Jeremy asks Alvina. She doesn't hear him at first confirming that something's bothering her. She's been... distant for a few days. "Hey" Jeremy says gently pulling her from the tent they were setting up for the carnival.

"What?" Alvina asks snapping out of her thoughts. "I'm sorry, I'm listening"

"What's going on?" Jeremy asks in concern. Alvina seems hesitant to share what's on her mind. "Hey, what is it?" He presses.

"It's just... I can't stop thinking about this" Alvina angles herself closer to Jeremy. He watches as she moves her forearm cover and motions to one of her marks.

"L.S.J.?" Jeremy asks frowning his eyebrows. "One of your soulmates?" She nods. "What about it?"

"I can't stop thinking about it. Ever since the hunter tried to take me I've been thinking about it nonstop. I tried to ignore it and it worked for a while but not anymore" Alvina mutters.

"What does that mean?" Jeremy asks. Alvina sighs recovering her forearm.

"I think I know where he is" Alvina tells him.

"Augustine" Jeremy whispers. Alvina's eyes snap to his. "If I'm being honest... I've been thinking about it as well... Ever since you told me about that place"

"It's the same feeling I got when Damon mentioned coming to Mystic Falls and that's when I found you... I think he's there" Alvina explains.

"I believe you" Jeremy nods. "But from what Damon told you, that place is bad, like really bad"

"I know" Alvina nods. Damon had eventually explained a little more about what Augustine was and what he had to say sent shivers down Alvina's spine. She couldn't believe that he had gone through that torture for so long. 

"Have you talked to Damon about this... feeling?" Jeremy asks and she gives him a look.

"We're not exactly on the best terms at the moment if you haven't forgotten" Alvina grumbles walking around her. 

"I know but you're gonna forgive him at some point, make him earn it" Jeremy says turning around to face her. He watches as she cleans up the booth a bit. "Have him tell you more about this place, more in detail so we know what we're getting ourselves into. Have him help us get L.S.J."

"I know he can help us find him but... I'm still just so angry with him" Alvina growls. "Two seconds, Jeremy, two more seconds and you would have been dead. If I had hesitated you would be dead"

"But you didn't" Jeremy reminds you. "You didn't hesitate, I'm still alive, and he's over there pouting like a kicked puppy" Jeremy says nodding behind her. She turns around and sees Damon trying to be subtle.

"I'll think about it" Alvina mumbles looking away from Damon. Jeremy steps closer and gives her head a small kiss.

"It was a mistake, Vina" Jeremy mutters. "He was hurting, badly" He adds looking into her eyes. "He would have lashed out onto anybody, I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time"

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