*Chapter Thirty Two* {Masquerade}

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The moment Alvina, Jeremy and Enzo enter the hospital, Jeremy zooms in front of them towards Jenna's room

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The moment Alvina, Jeremy and Enzo enter the hospital, Jeremy zooms in front of them towards Jenna's room. Elena had called her brother in tears. Katherine had compelled Jenna to stab herself in retaliation for Damon killing Mason. 

Alvina never necessarily hated Katherine but she surely disliked her. Alvina always felt annoyed with how strung up Damon used to be over her and also didn't like what Katherine did when her best friend was human. However, that dislike never turned to hatred until now. Now, Katherine hurt Jeremy through Jenna and that royally pissed the Fairy off.

"Is she ok?" Jeremy asks Elena once the siblings find each other. Alvina and Enzo stay in the background for the moment.

"The doctors told Alaric that she got lucky. She's gonna make it. She's gonna be ok." Elena assures him. Jeremy's body relaxes causing his two mates to smile.

"Does she remember what happened?" Jeremy asks.

"No, nothing" Elena shakes her head. "It's all a part of Katherine's mind compulsion"

"Why would Katherine hurt Jenna?" Jeremy asks both confused and angry.

"Because she's trying to send a message. That she could get to anybody," Elena says trying to keep it together but slowly breaks down. Jeremy comforts his sister while Enzo and Alvina glance towards each other.

Elena's final words, 'That she could get to anybody', didn't sit well with either of them. They both silently agreed with each other that Katherine wasn't getting anywhere near Jeremy, not without at least one of them by his side.

"Hey, you doing alright?" Alvina asks softly walking up to Jeremy with Enzo once Elena was left. Jeremy nods wordlessly. Alvina doesn't hesitate to hug him tightly. Jeremy screws his eyes closed and buries his head into her neck. "It'll be alright," Alvina whispers. "Katherine thinks she's clever but she's never met us, we'll get her back for this"

"I just don't understand, why did it have to be Jenna?" Jeremy mumbles into her neck.

"Because she's vulnerable," Enzo said. "You and Elena are too well protected, nobody ever thought that Jenna would be in danger therefore no one watched over her." Jeremy pulls away from Alvina and glances towards Enzo. "You have my word, love, we won't make the same mistake again"

Jeremy gives him a small smile before wrapping his arms around him. Enzo, slightly shocked, quickly wraps his arms around him. Alvina grins from ear-to-ear as they hold each other tightly.

"Thank you," Jeremy whispers. Enzo smiles leaning his head against Jeremy's with the most content smile Alvina has seen him wear.

"You're welcome, darling," Enzo whispers back. Enzo turns his head slightly and kisses the side of Jeremy's temple. The action felt so natural that if Enzo hadn't done it it would have felt wrong.

"Do you wanna stay here for a little bit longer or go home?" Alvina asks once Jeremy pulled away from Enzo. 

"Let's go home, she's probably already asleep," Jeremy decides. Alvina nods letting Jeremy grab her hand. The three of them walk out of the hospital. Not wanting to go to his home, Jeremy let's Alvina take him and Enzo back to the boarding house.

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