*Chapter Thirty Three*

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Inside the mansion, everyone partied and conversed with one another

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Inside the mansion, everyone partied and conversed with one another. All are dressed to the nines. While to most, this is simply another gathering for those who live in Mystic Falls, there is one group that has alternative plans for such an evening.

Enzo and his beloved mate, Alvina, weave through the crowd of ignorant humans. While their third part is in another part of the home, their enhanced hearing can pick up on the sound of his voice.

"I thought this room could work," Jeremy says leading Bonnie towards the designated area where they would complete their plan.

"It's perfect," The Bennett witch compliments while sitting to take out her families grimoire. Jeremy eyes it curiously. While he's seen Alvina do spurts of magic, Bonnie is different. While witches and fairies are similar in more ways than one, they are not exactly the same.

"Is that the spell book I read about in my family's old journal?" Jeremy wonders glancing towards her.

"It's my ancestor, Emily's" Bonnie explains to him with a slight purse of the lips. "The spell I'm doing here is similar to the one that sealed the vampires into the tomb," She says flipping through the book. Her eyes scan the pages, reading much faster than Jeremy could comprehend.

"Can you do all the stuff that's in there?" He asks, his eyes flickering from the moving pages to her concentrated expression.

"I mean, it takes practice" She shrugs not looking up to meet his gaze. "I've worked on some small spells. Spells that only do good," She specifically stress. "I don't know too much. I don't particularly enjoy any of this, in case you haven't noticed" She tells him her voice dropping slightly.

"Yeah, but you're 100% witch, that is so cool" He grins giddily. Of course, he's fascinated with magic, he has been ever since Alvina introduced him into this world.

"It's anything but cool," Bonnie argues. "Did you family journals tell you what happened to Emily? Or what about my Grams? It never ends well for people like me" Bonnie snips.

"If you feel that way, why help?" Jeremy wonders.

"Because I don't want anyone else getting hurt and I don't know how to stay out of it," She tells him ending the conversation. She looks back down at her grimoire and begins preparing.

Jeremy simply watched not knowing how he could help. However, as he watched he couldn't help but to think about how she viewed magic and her being a witch. It made him feel unsettled seeing as his mate is so closely connected with nature and magic. Magic is apart of Alvina, she wouldn't be the same without it and Jeremy doesn't want her any other way. 

"You know, you don't have to do this alone," Jeremy tells her. Bonnie spares him a questioning glance. "Being a witch, learning how to use your magic and all that stuff. You're not the only one in Mystic Falls that uses magic," 

Bonnie instantly knows who he's hinting at and couldn't help but to be hesitant. She doesn't know Alvina all that well, although she does look like a fun person to be around. There always seemed to be a ray of light radiating from her, a vast contrast compared to the vibe she got from the vampires in town.

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