Sidney nods with his head with a smirk. "I think we get your point. Tamara?"

"Okay. about this? What's been the most impactful part of the experience, in regards to......your own spirituality. has it impacted the way that you see God, and the way you have a relationship with him personally," Tamara suggested. "That work better?"

I then close my eyes and sigh softly. "First of all, that whole thing in my view of God? That......hasn't really gone through any MAJOR changes, not for a long time I suppose. I've had most of the same beliefs and views on God since the year of my senior graduation, 11 years ago." I nod my head gently, and when I open my eyes back up, they're beginning to water up. "But.....if I had to save time and go in depth on one thing in that regard......then it does narrow it down. And......What I'm gonna talk about is what's been the biggest, and in my opinion, the most important factor for how I've been impacted in my time here."

"And what would that be?" Tamara asked.
I look to the side with an even bigger smile as tears begin to flow from my eyes, as I think back to....the moments that led up to that day. "Albert?"

I chuckle and sniffle, letting the tear flow down my face. Then I wipe my eyes clean. "I'm sorry... Didn't mean to get misty eyed for the two of you."

"Oh no no. No, it's alright."

"Is it sensitive Mr. Johnson?" Sidney asked.

"No, that's not why. It's.....quite the opposite actually. It's just emotional for me to even think about, evem more emotional to talk about, due to HOW MUCH it has impacted me." I collect myself, and take a deep breath. "And, I'll try to make it quick make it blunt, most of it isn't really MY story to tell. It.....has to do with someone......very important to me....."

"A girlfriend? Crush?"

I snort and chuckle. "I'm not gonna say no, but.....ehh, it's complicated, I don't think I'll go into that. But what I can say, I'll try to sum it up as best I can."

"Please do."

"Earlier I mentioned how I met James when I started college whenever he was graduating. And he was the one who mentioned me and convinced everyone that I was the guy for the job, so he led me out here and he helped introduce me to his uncle Simon and his mom, as well as Lucas, Ashley, Peter and everyone else. And they were all VERY EASY to connect with, everyone was very welcoming right from the start, which was helpful when you go to work at a church, in a state where you don't really KNOW anybody. Hahaha!" They grin and snicker. And then I pause, smile with my eyes closed and sigh.
"But, before any of that happened. Before the church, I...........I've mentioned earlier that I travelled out here, with my best friend. WelI, I didn't bring her along just for that fact alone. The thing is, I- I truly believe that, all that I've been able to do out here, and for the past number of years, I believe all of it was possible because of her. Haha, and I I met her, it still amazes me to this day, the way that it all happened. One day you're going home from camp, and the next day, you pick up someone who is gonna be a lifelong friend and you don't even know it yet."

"But here's why I'm bringing her up. It was a long time before I knew anything about......Who she actually was and what she did In the past. And then, as soon as I got invited to come out here, things were getting a little stressful. A little messy. And then I finally learned the truth, learned stuff that I always knew she was keeping something under wraps, but it was NOTHING like what I had expected it to be. But as soon as I did find out.........everything started to change. Because, it was after that, and really, it was through her, that.......I slowly began to discover, that those things that I claimed to believe about God at the time, some of the personal beliefs I had about Him? Let's just say that, it was through how this church had impacted her, that I got to find out that all of my thoughts and my own beliefs about God........they were true, 100%." I look at them with such life and joy swelling in my eyes. "And the end result of that, is easily the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.... It's made me more grateful or God than I've ever been before......."

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