When you two find a baby in a building full with mutants

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You can't request scenarios about children or being parents. I just don't like writing those. I only accepted this because I liked the idea and already knew a few ideas for it and it was my first request on this book so I didn't want to decline it.

Requested by: DeadManzWife


If you think of abandoning it, he will gasp and say that is cruel and he is ashamed to be travelling with you before telling you to imagine this is young Shaun and someone comes on him and then leaves him, all alone with no food or water. If you do take it back, he will praise you, saying he knew you would do the right thing.


He immediately picked up the baby, already forgetting you are both in a building full of mutants, saying there is a baby so you should both bring it to safety. You tried to speak, but he didn't listen, he was already going to the exit, wishing to bring this poor baby to a safe place and get it better because it did not look okay. When you angrily said he just ran away from the mission and now you can redo this whole damn thing, he huffed and said this baby's safety is more important than some mission. When you shouted the baby isn't gonna give you caps and put food on the table, he frowned, knowing you are right and this mission had many caps involved that could let you buy good food, but he also found the baby important, so he promised he will try extra hard when you both try to attack this building again but now he first wants this baby safe and make sure it is healthy.


He said bringing a baby along is dangerous, but an admirable thing to do. When you said you aren't risking walking through these halls when there are probably eleven mutants waiting in the next room, so you suggested making a plan to get it out of here safely. You both came up with a quick plan. Clear the building, take any food for the baby then return for the baby and get it out of here. After you both did these four steps, went to the Brotherhood, who took the baby and promised to give it a good home. You couldn't help but frown, saying you feel as if you just handed a baby over to an army that will raise it to be a soldier instead of giving it to a caring family and let it grow up to be whatever it wants to be. Danse couldn't help but chuckle, claiming you sould rest to avoid thinking in such a weird way.


She gasped and asked who would leave a baby behind. When you told her you are not bringing it along, she gasped, saying you are an awful being. So you both argued, you angrily saying that baby is basically an alarm for all nearby enemies and you are almost out of ammo, she kept angrily saying she refuses to leave a baby behind with these mutants. In the end you took it along because she wouldn't stop calling you an awful being. The whole way to Diamond City, she kept angrily muttering about how she can't believe you would have left it behind if she was not there. When you apologized, saying you were more focused on not dying by some very angry mutants than some baby you don't even know, she huffed and gave you the cold shoulder.


You were both busy shooting mutants when suddenly the sound of a baby crying came. He immediately rushed to it. When you yelled it could be a trap, he yelled back if it isn't then there is a baby in danger. When you were done murdering the mutants, he returned, carefully holding a baby, nervously asking you to hold it because he's scared he will hurt it with his right hand or infect it with his dirty skin. So you took it over and he guarded you two while you both hurried out the building. He said to bring it to his office because he has some baby food there. You gave him a raised eyebrow so he mumbled he doesn't know how it got there either. At his office, he searched through some files, hoping to find something about a missing baby while you fed it. He let out a happy "ah-ha!" to signal he found something as he hurried to you, saying you both are lucky because there was indeed someone who reported a missing baby. So Nick handed the baby back to its parent, chuckling out for the parent to take better care of their child.

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