When you have been starving for days then cry when you finally get to eat

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This was supposed to be uploaded days ago but then I suddenly got the stomach flu so it got delayed, sorry for that.


He will feel sad. He can't help but also feel grateful that he's a robot because then he doesn't have to starve. He will pull out a purified water, telling you to slow down before you choke and to drink some water as well.


He knew that feeling. Sometimes while he was traveling with the Minute Men to find a better location, they wouldn't be able to find food and had to share the little food they had left. He didn't know what to say so he just stared silent and watched with sad eyes before looking forward with determination, determined to he bring along every food he finds so that you never run out of food again.


Moments like these make him pity you and everyone else in the Wasteland. In the Brotherhood of Steel, he gets fed just enough to have the energy to do his duties. Whenever he goes back there and has a meal, he feels terrible as he can't help but imagine how happy you would get with this.


She thought you were in pain or something, quickly asking you where it hurts and reaching for a stimpak. As you cried out you aren't hurt, she gave you a confused expression before looking at the food you were nibbling on with sobs. She let out a "ow" as she finally understood before she smiled and told you to eat well before holding up her food, asking if you want a piece of her food.


He wasn't entirely sure what was going on as you cried so you cried out you haven't eaten in days and you can't help it. As you tried to quickly wipe your tears away, mumbling a sorry, he was quick to remove your hands away and gently wipe your tears away with a somewhat clean napkin, assuring you there is no need to apologize and he understands. As you ate, he searched around the area in hopes to find some more food he can give you, now wishing to give you a box full of food so you have never to feel like that again.


He was shocked, he didn't expect that reaction from you at all. All he could do was stare as you cried and shoved the food down, hurrying as if you are scared someone might steal it, so he nervously chuckled and assured you nobody's gonna steal it so slow down before you choke. As you finally slowed down, he scooted closer and rubbed your back in a soothing manner, saying it's okay. When you continued eating, he jokingly told you try to avoid choking and eating slower makes you feel as if you are eating more and be able to appreciate the taste better.


She knew that feeling, she has cried when she found food after days of starving as well. She glanced to her can that was now almost empty before she held it to you, telling you she lost her appetite after seeing those dead bodies so you can have it.


He raised his eyebrow, asking why you are crying. As you cried out you don't know, he mumbled your species is confusing then stormed away and returned with weird things, claiming it's food so enjoy.


He couldn't help the sad eyes he gave you before he took a piece of his food and held it to you, telling you to tell him next time you are hungry because he will go out and search for some food. So now when he whenever he sees food while traveling, he takes it. Eventually he had a bag full of just food, which he held to you and told you with a smile you won't have to worry about starving again for a long time now.


He panicked, asking you what's wrong and if you are hurt. But when you held up your food, mouth too full to speak, he understood it. He pat his pockets before awkwardly chuckling and saying he wishes he could give you some more food but he has nothing. As you broke your food in two and held a piece to him, he was quick to deny and assure you he can find some food later while traveling so just enjoy your food by yourself.


She let out a gasp and was quick to ask you if you are hurt somewhere. As you held the food up and said it's tasty, she stared at it before letting out a "ow" as if she understood why you were crying. She asked you if you are crying because you have been starving for days, asking for confirmation so she's sure she's right about what she's thinking. As you nod, she nod before smiling and saying she hopes you enjoy your meal a lot then. Now when you both leave, she immediately rushes to food when she sees it and holds it up so you can see it, telling you she has found food so please take it before you starve again and cry.


He raised his eyebrow before asking you why you are crying. As you explained you have been starving for days so when you bit into the food, the tears just came, he nod before talking about how surviving in the Wasteland is difficult and how Synths do not need food to survive. He said the last part as if to say that's why synths are superior.


He just stared at you before he ran off and returned some minutes later with some piece of meat. He put it down and happily barked, as if to say "look! I found you food!".


You were gone for many days, on a mission far away, and when you returned, he gave you some food. He thought you would just eat it like normal, but as you ate it, tears just began rolling down making him quickly ask what's wrong and reach his hand to your cheek to caress it carefully. As you shook your head and stuffed more food in your mouth, he stared at it before he asked you if you ate nothing on those many days you were gone. When you sobbed out you couldn't find anything, he felt his chest clench. He wrapped his arms around you and held you, telling you to take some of the food here with you next time you leave.


He watched you with amused eyes, wondering why you are shoving your cheeks full of food like some animal storing it. But his amused eyes were quick to turn to ones of confusion as tears formed in your eyes. At first he thought a piece might just be stuck in your throat but then you swallowed and began crying. He pulled out a napkin and held it to you, asking you if the food's that bad. When you sobbed out he could have given you food you absolutely hate and you would still eat it, he understood what was going on. He just chuckled and gave your head a kiss, telling you to eat as much as you want. He called Swank, telling him to bring more food.


He understood what you felt. When he first left the vault, he didn't eat anything because it was so hard to find food and when he did find food, it looked absolutely disgusting. But eventually the hunger got too much and he ate the disgusting-looking food. And he was right, it was disgusting, but he cried, not because it was disgusting, but because finally that hunger he felt for days was gone and he was eating something. So when he saw you crying over some food, he just stayed silent and ate his food, sometimes glancing over at you.

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