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They were on the last show of the final leg of their show, they were ending it Miami. Lauren and Camila's hometown. Both girls were happy to be home again because to them it felt like years since they've been there.

Both of their families often just came out to Los Angeles to visit them, Camila was pretty sure the last time she was in Miami was Christmas of the year before. She and Normani had spent Thanksgiving with Mani's family in Houston, so they decided to spend Christmas with Camila's.

It was amazing, and everything had went by swimminly. Her mother adored Mani, she had Camila's father wrapped around his finger, and Sofi had always loved Normani because she would watch High School Musical with her and Camila whenever she asked.

They had been given the day off, and Camila decided to pay a visit to her family. When she had called her mother to let her know they were coming by, Sinu instantly declared they would have a barbecue for the girls. The mention of food caught the attention of all of her bandmates, and so now Camila stood with her girls and Will on her parents doorstep. Camila hummed softly as she held her girlfriend's hand in her own, lifting her hand to knock on the door.

The door was yanked open instantly and Sinu smiled at the sight of Camila and the girls, "Hola, ladies, please come in come in. Everyone is already here."

Camila's brows furrowed at her mother's use of the word everyone, wondering exactly who her mother invited. As Camila and the girls stepped outside, Camila rolled her eyes because when her mother said everyone, she didn't mention that she basically invited everyone in Miami. Lauren's family was here, some of her parents friends and their families. Her parents backyard was filled to the brink with people, children running around, people swimming in the pool. Camila spotted her father by the grill with Mike and Chris.

"Damn when she said everyone, she meant everyone," Dinah snorted as she held onto Lauren's hand, "Come on, Lo, let's go say hi to your mom," Dinah said before she tugged onto Lauren's hand to drag her towards the picnic table where her mother was currently sitting.

Normani turned her head to look at Camila, "I'm gonna go and see Sofi," she said with a small smile, "I promised her I'd give her advice on boys."

"Why would my sister go to you for advice on boys instead of me?" Camila pouted playfully, and Normani quirked an eyebrow silently. Camila laughed, "Yeah, I realized how that sounded as soon as I said it. Go ahead, I'll be here," Camila waved her hand dismissively.

"I'll be right back," Normani smiled before she leaned in to kiss Camila's cheek before she walked off in search of Camila's 15 year old sister. Camila hummed softly before she traveled off towards the refreshment table, grabbing a bottle of wine and a red solo cup, filling it up.

"Mila? Is that you?" Camila froze at the all too familiar voice she heard behind her. She slowly turned in a circle, her eyes widening in shock upon seeing the dark haired woman before her.

"S-Savannah? What are you doing here?"

"Your mother invited my mom, and I decided to tag along," Savannah shrugged casually, and she smiled softly as she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, "It's nice seeing you, Camila, it's been too long."

"Yeah," Camila nodded her head silently, reaching her free hand up to rub the back of her neck.

"How have you been?"

"I've been good, really good," Camila smiled softly.

"That's good, I've been good as well. I've missed you, Mila. We should catch up. How long are you in Miami for?" Savannah asked.

"Um, we leave tomorrow night," Camila said as she rubbed the back of her neck.

"Then tomorrow afternoon? We can get ice cream and talk?" Savannah asked.

"Um, sure, that'd be cool. As long as I'm not busy," Camila nodded her head, causing Savannah to grin happily before stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Camila in a tight hug. Camila unsure of what to do, held out the hand that was holding her drink, and wrapped her free arm around Savannah's waist.

A throat cleared behind Camila, causing her to pull away a little too quickly, her drink spilling onto Savannah's shirt, "Shit, I am so sorry!"

"Same clumsy old Mila," Savannah laughed as she waved her hand dismissively, "It's okay, luckily I remembered to bring a change of clothes. I'll see you tomorrow, Mila," Savannah grinned before she turned to walk away.

Camila turned her head to look at her fiancee, and Normani looked at Camila with a quirked eyebrow, "Who is she?"

"My ex-girlfriend Savannah," Camila said honestly, she hadn't lied to Normani since she cheated two years ago, and she wasn't about to start now. Normani hummed softly as she nodded her head, her gaze turning towards the house.

"She's pretty," Normani said, and Camila felt like this was a trap. And so, she answered the only way she knew how.

"No one's more beautiful than you in my eyes, baby," Camila answered honestly, and Normani turned to face her fiancee, a grin spreading across her features.

"Good answer," Normani praised, and Camila let out a breath of relief as Normani leaned in to kiss her cheek, "Relax, Mila. I trust you. We're engaged now. I know you wouldn't do anything to jeopardize our future together."

"Have I told you how much I love you?" Camila grinned at her fiancee, taking Mani's hand in hers and stepping closer to her.

"Hmm, yes, but I never get tired of hearing it."

"I love you, Normani Kordei."

"And I love you, Camila Cabello, and I trust you completely."


"What's up you guys? Its Chelsea Briggs here with Clevver news and wow, do I have a story for you guys today. Recently Camila Cabello, former band member of Fifth Harmony and multi-platinum recording artist proposed to her former bandmate turned girlfriend, Normani Kordei, but could there be trouble in paradise? Camila Cabello was found on Miami beach with a dark haired mystery woman. And yes, I know I know what you are all going to say. What if their just friends? Well, this steamy photo taken by a source on the beach finds Camila Cabello and Mystery Woman in a tight liplock? What could this mean for everyone's favorite power couple? Is Normila dead? Is Camila a cheater? What is Normani Kordei's reaction to this whole thing? Well, you'll have to wait until our next video to find out. In the meantime, share, like, and subscribe!"

The door to the bedroom opened, and Camila ran in completely out of breath. She hunched over to take a deep breath before she looked at Normani who was sitting on the bed with her phone in hand, "Mani, I can explain..."



Woow, so this has been one wild ride. And to think that it's finally all over. I ended this the way I did because I wanted it to be open to interpretation. I want you guys to decide your own ending. Like, do you guys believe Camila would cheat again? Do you think she's learned her lesson, and maybe something happened? How will Normani react? Will Normila be endgame? It's all up to you guys to decide, and in the mean time, I'm gonna take a little break.

No, I will not be writing a sequel to this. I don't even know what I'd write about to be honest. Anyways, I hope you all have a goodnight!

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