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Camila awoke the next morning to an empty bed and a knocking on her hotel room door. She groaned as she sat up slowly, running her fingers through her hair. She glanced over at the side of the bed that Normani had slept on and noticed a note on the pillow.

Sorry I left without saying goodbye. My grandma was looking for me. I put my number in your phone, so please text me when you wake up.

Thank you for forgiving me. Talk soon. Hopefully.

  Your favorite,

Camila smiled softly at the note before tucking it away in her bag, the knocking on her door continued and she groaned before rolling out of the bed. She made her way towards the door and pulled it open, rolling her eyes when she saw that it was just her manager, Roger Gold, "What's up, Roger?"

"Camila! Do you know what time it is?"

Too fucking early in the morning, Camila thought to herself, "No," she said aloud, "I just woke up."

"It's 8 o'clock. We have to be on the road for Dallas in an hour," Roger said, and Camila groaned as she ran a hand down the side of her face.

"Right right, sorry, Roger. I forgot, I'll get ready now," Camila said softly before she shut the door to her room not even waiting for Roger's response. The young Cuban got ready in record time, exiting her hotel room, checking out of the hotel, and climbing onto her tourbus that was outside.

Once on her tourbus, the girl went into the back room to be alone and sat on the couch. She hummed as she pulled out her cellphone. She decided to text Normani, scrolling through her contacts she searched for Normani's name.

She finally found it, and she smiled at what she saw Normani had put her contact as.

My Manibear💕💃.

Camila snorted as she clicked Normani's contact to open messages, and she quickly sent a text.

My Mila💕🍌: My ManiBear, huh?

My Manibear💕💃: yeah, i wanted to be original ya know? Your contact names are so boring, no flavor whatsoever

My Mila💕🍌: how'd you even get into my phone?

My Manibear💕💃: Your password has been the same for the last 7 years. Like come on, Mila. Your birthday? Be more original

My Mila💕🍌: this bullying is unnecessary

My ManiBear💕💃: Me? A bully? Never

Camila found herself smiling as she texted Normani, she hadn't stopped smiling since she had started and she thought she'd never stop. Honestly her cheeks were hurting from how wide she had been grinning.

My Mila💕🍌: What are you doing?

My Manibear💕💃: Sitting with my sisters at home, and you?

My Mila💕🍌: On my way to Dallas

My Manibear💕💃: Damn, leaving Houston already?

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