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The next two months were spent in bliss for Normani. She had Camila back as a friend. They made sure to talk every night, always ending up falling asleep on FaceTime with one another. Most of the time, it was Camila who fell asleep first and Normani would watch her silently, thinking about anything and everything.

Sometimes it would be Normani who fell asleep first, listening to the sounds of Camila strumming her guitar and humming softly. Or just sitting in silence with Camila, enjoying her company. Whenever Normani fell asleep first, Camila would smile at her phone and watch her sleep before she too would fall asleep.

Normani had created a group chat with Ally and Camila, they talked everyday. Just catching up and keeping in touch as promised. Normani was content with the way her life was going at the moment. She knew she still needed to reach out to Dinah, and eventually Lauren but she didn't want to overwhelm Camila. She had decided to do it after Camila had finished her tour since she was going to stay in LA.

Normani hummed softly to herself as she sat in her hotel room in Las Vegas. Las Vegas was where the Billboard Awards were currently being held, and Normani was both excited and nervous. She would be performing on her own without her girls for the first time in years.

She knew that Camila would be there just in time to prepare for the show tomorrow, and she was eager to see her friend again after two months apart. Sure, Normani's spent two years away from Camila, but this time it was different. She had missed her so much in these last two months, and just talking to her on the phone wasn't enough anymore.

Normani looked over at her phone when it dinged and she grabbed it to see a text from Ally in their group chat with Camila. They had been talking for the last hour, Ally keeping Normani company while she waited for Camila to call her for the night.

AllyCat💕: when is Camila getting in?

Normoney👄: not sure honestly, probably not until late but she promised to call me while on her tour bus

AllyCat💕: thats good, so when are you gonna tell her?

Normani's brows furrowed in confusion at Ally's text.

Normoney👄: Tell her what?

Allycat💕: That you're in love with her

Normoney👄: i'm not in love with her!

Allycat💕: But you feel something for her, a fool could see it Mani it may not be love but its something. I think you should tell her

Normoney👄: she's my friend Ally my best friend

Allycat💕: Okay, Lauren🙄

Normoney👄: what do you mean by that? I'm nothing like Lauren

Allycat💕: you're denying your feelings like Lauren did that makes you like Lauren

Normoney👄: i don't want to ruin my friendship with Camila

AllyCat💕: I don't think you could even if you wanted to, Camila cares about you a great deal

Normoney👄: I don't know Ally I just want to help her okay? And be there for her as a friend for now i'm not ready yet and neither is she.

AllyCat💕: okay, all I'm gonna say is that you should tell her Mani, not yet but sooner rather than later before she moves on

Normani sighed as she contemplated Ally's words, a frown taking over her features. She knew that neither her nor Camila were ready for anything yet. Camila was still feeling the hurt from what happened with Lauren, even if it was years ago. And Normani, Normani wasn't ready to risk ruining her friendship with the Cuban who she had just gotten back.

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