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Camila was setting up the living room for another sleepover/movie night with her girls. The night before Camila had been unable to sleep due to thoughts of Lauren. She really couldn't believe the green eyed Cuban had tried to her feel like the bad guy in this whole situation.

Camila wasn't sure what Lauren expected from her. If she was unhappy, she couldn't just magically force herself to become happy. It upset Camila that Lauren blamed Camila, when all Camila tried to do was survive.

"You're thinking about it again, aren't you?" Normani's voice sounded from the couch, causing Camila to turn her attention to her girl. Camila frowned softly.

"I'm sorry," Camila said softly as she stood up from the floor where she set up a bunch of blankets and pillows for the sleepover and made her way to sit next to Normani on the couch. Camila's arms instantly wrapped around Normani as Mani leaned against Camila's side, "It's just..."

"She was your best friend and it hurts to know she thinks of you as the villain," Normani offered the words Camila wasn't able to form.

"Yeah," Camila sighed as she looked over at Normani, "I just wish she would understand, ya know?"

"She will, trust me. Like I said yesterday, you just need to give her time," Normani assured as she leaned up to kiss Camila's cheek. Camila grinned softly at Normani, "She'll come around, Mila. She always does. She's your best friend and you're hers, there's no way she can stay away long."

"What would I do without you?" Camila asked with a small smile, "Why aren't you my girlfriend yet?"

"I'm waiting on you to ask me, that's why," Normani rolled her eyes playfully as she nudged Camila in the side with her shoulder.

"Why do I have to ask? I asked you out on our first date, shouldn't that be enough? It's your turn," Camila teased as she grinned at Normani.

"Oh, so we're taking turns asking the big questions that influence our relationship status?" Normani laughed as she rolled her eyes playfully.

"Yep," Camila grinned at Normani, "But if you really want me to ask, I guess I can take one for the team."

Normani laughed as she shook her head, pushing Camila away from her with her hands, "You're such a dork," she snorted with a roll of her eyes.

Camila leaned towards Normani with a small smirk forming on her features, "But I'm your dork," she said, her smirk forming into a grin as Normani slowly leaned forward to close the distance between them.

"All mine," Normani agreed before her lips met Camila's halfway in a soft kiss. Camila hummed softly into the kiss before she slowly pulled away, her eyes opening to look at Normani.

"So does that make you my girlfriend now then?" Camila asked with a small grin.

Normani smiled before she let a thoughtful look take over her features, backing away from Camila as her hand lifting to tap her fingers against her chin as if she were thinking, "Let me think about."

"Normani Kordei," Camila started as she slowly leaned in again, "Light of my life, you're pretty and I'm cute, and together we'd be pretty cute. But only if you agree to being my girlfriend," Camila smiled that slightly crooked smile of hers, and Normani swore her heart skipped a beat.

"Again, you're a dork," Normani said softly, a soft smile taking over her features.

"Is that a yes?" Camila quirked an eyebrow playfully.

"You're goddamn right that's a yes," Normani smiled, and Camila's answering grin made Normani close the distance between them once again, their lips meeting in a slightly heated kiss.

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