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Normani hadn't left her house since she had learned Camila had cheated on her two weeks ago. Her heart felt as if it had been torn in two. She couldn't eat, she couldn't sleep. She lost all motivation to do anything. Dinah and Ally had stopped by frequently to check on her, but she had locked herself in her room, refusing to see or speak to anyone.

She just didn't know what to do. All she felt like doing was crying. She thought she would never stop. She curled up in her bed, tugging the blanket over her head as the tears started to fall again. She knew in her heart that Camila had loved her, but she couldn't get over the fact that Camila had cheated. Camila had slept with someone else. Drunk or not, she still did it. She willingly went to bed with another woman, and Normani couldn't just let that go.

"Mani?" there was a gentle knock on her bedroom door, and Normani just knew it was Ally, "Mani, sweetie, please just let us in."

Normani didn't bother to answer, she just curled up even more in her bed, her tears still falling.

"Screw this shit," Normani could hear Dinah say before her door was burst open. Normani didn't bother to move as she heard the heavy footsteps of Dinah Jane. She merely just tugged the blanket even tighter over her head. She felt her bed dip on either side of her, and she could feel two warm bodies lying down next to her.

"Mani?" Ally said softly, "Talk to us, please."

"What do you want me to say, Ally? Camila broke my heart, she stomped on it, and left me broken," Normani mumbled weakly from underneath her blanket.

"I know, baby," Ally said softly, "I know, but you can't let this make you give up."

"What am I supposed to do? Camila was the love of my life, but apparently I wasn't the love of hers."

"Now we all know that's not true," Dinah said with a roll of her eyes. Normani frowned before she tugged the blanket from over her head, sitting up to turn and glare at Dinah.

"She cheated on me, Dinah! She fucked someone else! She doesn't love me!"

"If she didn't love you, she wouldn't be in the exact same position you are right now," Dinah said, "Lauren said she hasn't left her room in week. All she does is sit in her studio, playing her guitar and crying. She's heartbroken."

"Good," Normani mumbled as she crossed her arms against her chest.

"You don't mean that, Mani," Ally tried to soothe softly.

"Yes, I do," Normani said, "She wouldn't be heartbroken if she hadn't cheated on me."

"She loves you, Normani, and you know it," Dinah said softly.

"Doubtful," Normani rolled her eyes as she leaned against her headboard, crossing her arms against her chest. Dinah and Ally exchanged looks with one another. It was at this time, Dinah's phone dinged. She picked it up to see a text from Lauren.

No Shit Ass Bitch💚: How's it going over there?

Finah Dinah🥵: Not good. She doesn't believe a word we say

No Shit Ass Bitch💚: Fuck...this all my fault.

Finah Dinah🥵: Nah fr it is, if you hadn't taken Camila to the club that night none of this shit would have happened

No Shit Ass Bitch💚: Damn, no need to twist the knife Dinah Jane, I know I fucked up

Finah Dinah🥵: What are we gonna do?

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