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"What the hell, Roger?!" Camila shouted as she entered her manager's office, Lauren and Dinah on either side of her. Ally was currently with Normani, trying to cheer the heartbroken girl up. Dinah didn't want to leave Normani alone, but she knew if she didn't go with Camila and Lauren to confront Roger, one of them would end up in jail. Her money was on Lauren.

Camila couldn't believe it when Lauren and Dinah showed up on her doorstep at 6 in the morning to tell her that Roger made the whole PR stunt up. It wasn't until after she called Shawn and confirmed with him and his manager that she did believe it. She couldn't understand why Roger would lie to her? Why Roger would cost her the best thing in her life.

"C-Camila?" Roger jumped in his seat, his eyes widening at the sight of the two very pissed off Cuban women, and the irritated looking Polynesian woman, "What can I do for you?"

"You can start by telling me why you liked about the PR start with Shawn," Camila said, her eyes narrowing into a glare as she crossed her arms against her chest.

"W-what? I didn't lie. I would never lie to you, Mila. You know that," Roger said.

"Oh really?" Lauren spoke up now as she pulled her phone from her pocket, "Because Shawn and his manager, Megan, say otherwise," she said as she showed Roger her phone, where Shawn and his manager were on FT.

"I never agreed to a publicity relationship between Shawn and Camila, Roger, and you know that," Megan said, glaring at Roger through the screen of the phone.

"And I would never agree to one, and Meg knows that. Camila is like a sister to me and her and Normani belong together," Shawn spoke up next.

"So, I will ask you again," Camila said firmly, her eyes turning to Roger, "Why did you lie?"

Roger gulped nervously as he looked at Camila, "Mila, love-,"

"Cut it with the bullshit, Gold," Dinah snapped as she stepped forward, slamming her hand on Roger's desk, "Tell the truth because you've been caught."

"I was just looking out for you, Mila. Everything seems to have changed since you've made up with the girls and started dating Normani. Your sales have dropped and you've lost some fans."

"My fans love Normani, and my relationship with the other girls, and if they decide to leave because of that, then they aren't true fans to begin with," Camila said as she glared at Roger, "You are not in charge of my personal life, Roger. As a manager you were placed in charge of booking my gigs, planing album projects, and orchestrating tours. No where in my contract said that you were in charge of ruining my life. My relationship."

"I was just trying to help you, Mila. All I've ever done was look out for you. Remember? I had your back when those girls left you behind."

"Those girls are my family," Camila snapped as she glared down at Roger, taking a step towards his desk, "And yes, they may have left me. But we've made up and we're stronger than ever. Normani and I are stronger than ever. This is the last time I will allow you to dictate my life, Roger. I'm done with this bullshit. Thank you for all you've done to help me so far, but you're fired."

"W-what?! You can't fire me!" Roger shouted as he jumped to his feet, causing both Lauren and Dinah to stand on either side of Camila quickly. Both women crossed their arms against their chests as they glared at Roger. Camila scoffed as she shook her head.

"Too late. I'm done with this shit. And I'm done with you. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a girlfriend to make up with," Camila said before she turned on her heels and exited the office.

Lauren sent one last glare before following Camila out the door. Dinah stayed before for a second to smirk at Roger, "Got your ass," she said before she flipped him off and followed her friends.

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