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"Wait! You and Mani what?!" Lauren asked her best friend as she paced around the living room, her eyes widened in shock.

"I think we broke up! It all happened so fast. I was late to our anniversary dinner, and I was trying to explain to her that it was because Roger and Helen were trying to make me date Shawn for publicity and then she said she couldn't do this anymore and she left! She fucking left, Lauren!"

"Okay okay, calm down, Camz," Lauren said as she rose to her feet, walking towards her best friend, "I'm sure Normani just needed time to think about everything and cool down," Lauren assured the still pacing Cuban, "She'll come back. Normani wouldn't leave you. You guys are like perfect for each other."

After an entire year of watching Normani and Camila, Lauren could see how easy it all came to them. Being together for them was as easy as breathing. They belonged together. Fit together like two pieces of a puzzle.

There were times when Lauren could tell that Normani knew what Camila was thinking before Camila even said anything and vice e versa. It was amazing to see. Lauren was happy that Camila was happy. Genuinely happy. For a long time, Lauren thought nothing could tear them apart. And to learn that something like this was ruining their relationship upset Lauren.

Lauren frowned as she looked at Camila, who still hadn't stopped pacing, "Do you want me to stay here for the night?"

"No," Camila sighed softly as she shook her head, "I just want to be left alone now. Thanks for coming though, Lo."

"You know I'll always be here for you, Camz. I'm sorry this all happening, but knowing you and Mani you guys will figure it out."

"Thanks, Lo. I hope so," Camila sighed and Lauren nodded her head before she reached out to hug Camila.

"Call me if you need me," Lauren said before she let Camila go and went to leave her house.

Lauren walked out to her car and climbed in, starting it up and driving off towards Dinah's apartment. She shook her head silently as she ran a hand through her hair, lost in thought. She couldn't believe this was all happening. Just yesterday Camila was so excited about their anniversary. She had called Lauren, bragging about the plans she had for the night.

Lauren thought it was incredibly adorable how happy the other Cuban was to celebrate her one year with Normani. She was pretty sure she hadn't ever seen Camila smile so much in one sitting in years.

And now for their anniversary to be ruined by something like this. Lauren wanted to punch Roger Gold in the face. How dare he ruin her ship? After knowing they've been together for an entire year. It just made no sense.

Lauren huffed as she climbed out of her car and made her way into Dinah's apartment building, straight to her apartment. She didn't bother to knock, she just unlocked the door and walked inside, "I hate Roger Gold with a burning passion," she announced before she froze at the sight of a sleeping Normani on Dinah's couch, and Dinah sitting on the floor in front of the couch, her hand rubbing circles into the Texan's back.

"So you know too?" Dinah asked softly as she watched Lauren shut the door and make her way over to the floor to sit down next to her.

"Camila called me practically hysterical," Lauren said softly as she shook her head, "What is wrong with the managers in Hollywood these days? Like, can't he see that Camila was happy with Normani? And now he's ruining their relationship for what?"

"For real though. Like Camila doesn't need the publicity, she's famous enough. And don't get me wrong, I like Shawn, but there has to be someone else they could use. Why does it have to be Mila?"

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