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As soon as Normani had ended her call with Camila, she went to work in the studio once again. By the time she finished recording just the first half of her new song, her voice was shot and she was exhausted.

"Can we maybe call it for the evening? I just wanna go home and get some sleep," Normani said into the mic while she stood in the booth, looking at the producer, Ilya, and her manager, Brandon.

"Sure, Mani. We can continue this in a few days. Get some rest," Brandon said into the speaker outside of the booth. Normani sighed as she pulled her headset off, placing it on the mic before she turned to grab her bottle of water and her duffle bag. She slipped out of the booth and waved to her producer and manager as she walked towards the door, "I'll see you guys later," she said before she slipped out of the door.

The exhausted superstar made her through the halls of the recording studio, running a and through her hair as she exited out the main door. Her driver/body guard, Noah, was waiting patiently by her car. He smiled warmly at her as he pulled open the back door, "Long day?"

"You can say that," Normani said as she climbed into the backseat of the car. Noah chuckled as he shut the door before racing around to climb into the driver's seat. He started up the car and drove off instantly. Normani sighed as she leaned her head against the window and looked out it silently.

She was lost in thought the entire way to her house. Her mind on Camila and their upcoming date. She was excited, eager even to see what the Cuban had planned since she refused to tell her. But she knew even if they did nothing but lounge around at Camila's place and ate their weight in junk food, Normani would be happy. Because that meant spending time with Mila, and that's what she loved to do.

It didn't take them long to arrive at Normani's house. She smiled warmly at Noah as she opened her door, "Thanks for the ride, Noah. I'll see you on Monday," she said.

"Anytime, Mani. This is what I'm paid to do after all," Noah chuckled, "See you Monday."

Normani smiled before she climbed out of the car, shutting the door behind her. She huffed as she tossed her bag over her shoulder, digging through it for her keys. Once she had them, she walked up to her door to unlock it but noticed it was already unlocked. She could have sworn she locked it that morning.

She frowned as she pushed the door open, looking around silently, "Hello?" She called out as she stepped inside.

"Mani! Finally you're home!"

Dinah Jane Hansen popped out of nowhere in front of the Texan, causing her to yelp and jump backwards, "Shit, Dinah, don't do that. You just gave me a fucking heart attack," Normani huffed as she placed a hand over her chest to calm her racing heart.

"Sorry, girl," Dinah laughed as she looked at Normani.

"How'd you even get in my house? What are you doing in LA? Weren't you visiting your family in Orange County?"

"I was, and then I'm watching Youtube with my cousin, right? And catch my surprise when I see a Clevver news video saying one of my best friends is currently friends with the girl who turned her back on us two years ago," Dinah said as she looked at Normani with narrowed eyes.

Normani frowned deeply as she resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Shit, she didn't think about Lauren and Dinah seeing that video. She thought she would have more time to come with how to explain Camila's situation to the other two girls. She sighed as she walked into her kitchen, Dinah following closely after her. Normani set her duffle bag on the chair at the table in her kitchen before making her way towards the fridge to pull out a bottle of wine. Then she went to the cabinet and grabbed a glass, "Do you want a glass of wine?"

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