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Final Chapter before the Epilogue! Hope y'all enjoy it!

2 years later...

"Fuck fuck fuck," Camila said as she paced around her dressing room, shaking her head. Lauren watched her best friend silently, her brows furrowed in confusion as the younger Cuban continued to mumble to herself.

"Um, Camz, are you okay?" Lauren questioned, her head tilting slightly in curiosity.

"No, I'm not okay!" Camila shouted as she spun around to look at her best friend, "I'm freaking out, Lo!"

"I get it, Camz. This reunion is stressful on all of us, I mean this is the first time we've all sang live on stage in years, but honestly, you have nothing to worry about. We'll all be up there with you," Lauren said.

"That's not why I'm freaking out, Lauren," Camila groaned as she ran a hand down the side of her face.

"Oh? Is it because you're nervous about singing the song for Normani? Don't worry, Camz, if you start messing up or forget the lyrics, Dinah and I will cover you," Lauren shrugged.

"That is also not the reason why I'm anxious, Lauren. But thank you for adding another reason to the list of things I'm going to be freaking out about tonight," Camila huffed as she rolled her eyes.

"I don't get it then," Lauren frowned, "Why are you nervous?"

"Girls! You're on in five!" the stage manager knocked on the door urgently, and Camila huffed.

"Just forget it let's do this before I lose all of the confidence I have left," Camila said as she opened the door to her dressing room, exiting with Lauren trailing off behind her.

It has been two years since Camila has won Normani back, and everything has been smooth sailing since. The two women moved into Camila's villa as promised, and despite their busy and conflicting schedules they made their relationship work. They always made sure to have time for one another, and Camila never hid anything from Normani again. Normani was the light of Camila's life, and Camila never wanted to feel the fear of losing her ever again. She had a little family with Normani and Archie, and she refused to lose that.

Lauren and Dinah had been going strong as well. Of course, they argued countlessly. Mainly over the most trivial things, but at the end of the day everyone could see that they were in love with one another. Even if Lauren slept on the couch more often than not. Camila was still confused on how their relationship managed to work, but she didn't care all that much to question it. Her friends were happy, then so was she.

Ally had settled down and married her manager, Will, who was perfect for Ally. They were incredibly adorable together, and Camila couldn't imagine anyone else with her short best friend. Well, other than Troy, but Trolly was dead and Camila knew that she would eventually have to accept it.

Six months ago, Camila, Normani, and their friends had announced their Fifth Harmony reunion tour, and the world went crazy. They had spent the last six months preparing, learning all of their old choreography, songs, costume fittings, interviews, and promotions. It was intense, but it was fun, and Camila had to admit she missed times like those.

Currently, they were about to have their first show in years, and Camila was both nervous and excited. Her nerves instantly washed away when she noticed her girlfriend, chatting animatedly with Dinah and Ally while a stage hand was attaching her ear piece to her costume. Dinah noticed Camila and Lauren first, and she reached a hand out to nudge Normani, who instantly stopped talking to turn and flash her girlfriend a beaming smile. Camila felt her heart skip a beat in her chest at the sight. Her girlfriend's smile was one of her favorite things in the world, and it always made her feel special because there was a smile Normani solely held for her, and Camila could recognize it anywhere.

Full Circle (Normila/Laurinah) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang