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"Are you really going to ignore me right now, Dinah Jane?" Lauren asked as she drove to the hospital with Dinah and Ally in her car. She had gotten the call from Ally that Camila was in the hospital, and she instantly raced to pick up the two other women from Dinah's apartment.

Dinah was currently giving her the silent treatment because Lucy had called Lauren when Dinah had gotten into the car. Of course, Lauren was smart enough not to answer the call, but Dinah was still being petty about it.

"Did you hear something, Ally? I could have sworn a no shit ass bitch said my name," Dinah said as she turned to look at Ally, who was sitting in the back seat looking like she wanted the seats to swallow her up.

"I'm not in this," Ally said as she shook her head quickly.

"What the hell, Dinah? Our best friend is in the hospital and you're gonna act petty like this," Lauren rolled her eyes silently.

"I know you're not calling me petty, Miss 'I'm gonna ignore my best friend of six years because she left me behind when I turned my back on her first'," Dinah said.

"Oop," Ally's eyes widened at Dinah's comment, glancing back and forth between Dinah and Lauren as if she were watching a game of tennis.

"You're such a little fucking bitch," Lauren huffed.

"Oh, no she didn't," Ally wagged her Jesus finger, shaking her head silently, "Wrong choice of words, Lauren."

"I'm done talking to you," Dinah crossed her arms against her chest, her eyes narrowed in anger.

"Whatever," Lauren rolled her eyes as she pulled into the parking lot of the hospital, "I'm done trying to prove myself to you. I keep trying to prove to you that I'm not playing any games, and you keep on acting petty. So if you don't want to give me a chance then fine," Lauren said as she climbed out of the car, slamming it shut.

Dinah frowned as she watched Lauren leave before she turned to look at Ally, "Did I do too much?"

"Maybe just a little," Ally pinched her fingers together, allowing just a centimeter of space between them.

Dinah sighed before she climbed out of the car, "Let's just go check on Mila," Dinah said as she walked into the hospital, Ally trailing along after her. It wasn't hard to spot Normani because she was surrounded by Camila's bodyguards and her own. Lauren was sitting next to her, rubbing her back.

Dinah and Ally made their way over to the two women, "What's going on, Mani?" Ally asked softly.

"I don't know," Normani shook her head quickly, tears freely falling from her eyes, "We were at the mall and we were having a good time, and then she was complaining about being light headed and next thing I know she's passed out on a bench."

Lauren's frown was telling to Dinah, and the Polynesian quickly cut her eyes towards the Cuban, "What do you know, Lauren?"

"I don't know anything," the Cuban lied quickly, and Dinah's eyes narrowed on her as she noticed that Lauren wasn't even looking at her and that was a tell that the green eyed woman was lying.

"You're lying," Dinah stated firmly, "Tell the truth."

Normani looked up when the conversation started and she narrowed her eyes on Lauren, "What's going on, Lo? What aren't you telling us?"

"I really can't say," Lauren mumbled weakly as she slid away from Normani, "I promised Camila I wouldn't say anything."

"Camila's in the hospital right now, Lauren. Normani's obviously worried sick. So you need to speak up about this. What aren't you telling us?" Ally said.

Full Circle (Normila/Laurinah) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن