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Camila groaned as she heard her phone ringing somewhere within the room. She ran a hand down the side of her face. She had a head splitting migraine. She tried to recall what happened to her the night before. All that she could remember was Lauren coming to her house and basically demanding she come out with her. She remembered getting to club and meeting Lucy and Kelsey. Camila's eyes shot open quickly. Kelsey! 'Fuck, what did I do last night?' the Cuban thought to herself.

Camila glanced over to her left, and she frowned softly at the sight at the naked, sleeping blonde at her side. The sheet covered her waist, leaving her bare torso exposed. Her body was littered with hickeys and marks. Camila groaned before she lifted the part of the sheet the covered her, a breath of relief escaping her when she saw that she didn't have any really visible marks. She heard her phone ringing again, and she slowly slipped out of the bed, turning around in a circle to search for her purse. She found it lying on the floor near her dress and her heels. She quickly and quietly raced towards it, and grabbed her phone, "Fuck," she whispered when she saw that it was Normani calling.

She instantly grabbed her dress, heels, and purse and quietly slipped out of the room before moving off down the hall in search of the bathroom. Once she found it, she slipped inside just as her phone rang again. She hit the answer button and put it to her ear, "Hello?"

"Mila?" Normani's voice rang through her ears, and Camila had to admit it made her heart melt and her weak in the knees. She missed the sound of her voice so much.

"Mani? Are you okay?" Camila asked softly, trying to keep her voice as quiet as possible.

"Are you busy? Can we talk?" Normani asked, not bothering to answer Camila's question.

"I'm not busy, no," Camila shook her head silently.

"Can I come over? I really think we should talk in person," Normani said softly. Camila mouthed the word, 'fuck' as she shook her head.

"Can you give me like 2 hours? I kind of just woke up," Camila said, which wasn't technically a lie.

"Yeah, I can wait," Normani said softly, "Two hours?"

"Two hours," Camila confirmed.

"See you then," Normani said, there was silence for a split second, "Mila..."

"Yeah, Mani?" Camila spoke softly.

"I love you."

Camila was instantly hit with a wave of guilt at Normani's words, and she slapped herself in the forehead before speaking, "I love you too, baby. I'll see you soon," Camila said before she ended the call.

Camila huffed as she hit herself in the forehead multiple times, "Stupid stupid stupid. How the fuck could you do this, Camila? God, I'm such an idiot," Camila grumbled to herself as she quickly got dressed. She grabbed her phone, trying to quietly tiptoe to the door. She debated on leaving a note, but decided against and instead slipped out of the apartment, shutting the door behind her.

She opened her phone to search for Lauren's contact name as she exited the building, hitting her contact and calling her. She put her phone to her as she stepped into the lobby, pacing back and forth as the phone rang four times before Lauren finally picked up.

"Hello?" Lauren answered the phone groggily.

"Where the hell are you, Jauregui?" Camila huffed angrily into the phone.

"Home, why what's up?"

"I need you to come and get me. And hurry, Normani's gonna be at my house in 2 hours and I smell like sex and liquor."

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