When stubborn people meet or the way to fish-man island

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Ace regained control over his body. A strange feeling after being beaten all the time with inability to move again. He pulls in the sail and activates his devil powers. The Stiker increased his speed with a jerk.

Next stop Sabaody Archipelago.

He enjoys the feeling of the wind in his hair, which gives him the feeling of unlimited freedom. He thinks about his spiritual roommate. The little one was very amusing. Despite everything he wondered what all this was about. How is it that a foreign spirit had more control over his body than he did, although he admits that in some situations it is practical. For example this one at the sea. Ok he would not have flown down the slope in the first place. In addition, he liked the unrestrained urge for freedom he had felt in her, of which she seemed to be unaware. Well, he estimated that his brothers and pops would be deliciously amused by his situation. Marco would probably say that it was his own fault, but this time it was really not his fault. At least he thinks so. Ok, let's change the subject.

He needed a coater so he could travel to fish-man island and then on to the new world where he could meet his crew. While he is there, he might want to call and let them know that he is doing well and prepare them for the situation. Not that they kill Lucia by mistake. He lets the fire go out, reaches into the storage room and fetches a den den mushi and dials the number of Moby Dick. Inwardly he was already preparing for a moral lecture from Marco. The doorbell rings. Please don't answer it, Ace thinks to himself, hoping for no delay. "Yes?" sounds the bored voice of Marco on the phone. "Yo Marco" Ace said thinking about how the anger vein on Marco's forehead was getting bigger and bigger. "Ace?" it came from Marco. "Who else?" laughed Ace again. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING??? WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL US FOR SO LONG???" he yelled in reply. "Teach is dead!" gave Ace the reason for his call. Silence on the other side. "Wait, I'm going to see pops." After a while, the answer comes. 

Ace is already preparing to explain the uncomfortable situation he is in, when he hears Marco enter pops cabin and explains the situation to him."Ace, my son tell me what happened" the deep bass of Withebeard is already roaring through the den den mushi. So Ace starts to tell the story, the meeting with his brother, the hunt, he really could have called earlier, and finally the fight and his defeat. Now comes the exciting part. "Maybe you should stop drinking" says Ace. "Why?" Marco asked suspiciously, "Well..." Ace didn't quite know how to explain that. "ACE, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE THIS TIME?" Marco's lovely voice starts screaming, too.

"Nothing honest, it's not my fault" mumbles Ace quietly. "Ace" also came the request from pops. Ok eyes closed and through. "A little girl saved my life and defeated Teach" Was there a part of the story award Ace skilfully ignores the fact that Lucia did not fight, but beat him out of pure instinct. "Unusual but not the reason why you are so coy," Marco concluded. "Uh...Well...it's like this...it could be..." Ace babbles to himself. "ACE!!!!" Marco yells again while pops laughs himself to pieces in the background. My goodness, he should relax, maybe we should mix some tranquilizers into his coffee again. But back to the topic. Ace takes a deep breath and rattles down: "The girl's name is Lucia, she's from another world and lives in my body with me and has more control over it than I do.

Silence on the other side.

"Are you serious?" Marco asks stunned. "Yep" says Ace calmly again, since he has got rid of the most important thing. "HOW THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT AGAIN?!" That Marco's vocal chords don't tear in the constant screaming is also a miracle of the Grand Line. Pops laughter thunders through his den den mushi despite the screaming. "Come home, my boy." Was his only statement about the situation. Typical pops. Probably Marco is worried enough for both of them, although more for the whole new world. I wonder what that was about, the others think he doesn't scream as much. With his head tilted, he wiped thoughts aside and answered pops: "Already on the way!" And hangs up before Marco has even more reason to scream. Ace puts the den den mushi away and goes full throttle. He can already see the mangroves and the typical soap bubbles of the Sabaody Archipelago as he slowly loses control of his body.

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