Disaster ahead

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It seems like an eternity until we let go. I lean my forehead against his shoulder. I am so tired. Rubbing my nose against Ace's neck, I close my eyes. "I'm tired." I say softly, reality drifting further and further away. Here in Ace's arms, I feel safe. I yawn and feel the water start to rise. "Come we need to find a place to sleep." says Ace quietly. I want to get up, but my legs are still wobbly. Ace slides one hand under my knees and one behind my back and lifts me up with no problem. I lean my head against Ace's shoulder and mumble, "I can walk myself." Ace snorts in amusement and walks toward the woods. "Look at you, you can barely keep your eyes open!" he says with a laugh. I snort and snuggle closer to Ace. He's so comfortable and warm. Ace laughs softly and walks towards the forest. I try to keep myself awake but I can't anymore. I fall asleep due to Ace's warmth and the slight rocking.

When I wake up again I smell fire and roasted meat. I stretch and yawn. "Well awake sleepyhead." I hear Ace say with amusement. I sit up and look around. Ace is sitting by the fire grinning and nibbling on a leg of meat. In front of Ace is a fire over which something is roasting. I can't tell what it was because there isn't much left. I plug myself in and get up to walk in the direction of Ace. I lean against Ace. My stomach growls hungrily. My face is getting hot. Ace grins and asks, "Hungry?" I nod awkwardly. He hands me some of the meat. I hungrily devour my piece. My goodness, I had been hungry. Ace laughs and puts an arm around me while he takes another piece. "Where do you eat all that?" I ask him laughing. "I don't know what you have, I don't eat that much!" laughs Ace. "Compared to who? And Luffy doesn't count, he's made of rubber!" I say. Ace laughs. "No answer is an answer too." says I. Ace laughs louder and then says, "We need to get a ship to get back to father. They will look surprised when they see you have your body!" says Ace. "I'm sure Marco will be so happy he'll quit his job immediately," I say. Ace laughs. "How are we going to get a boat?" I ask. "There's a little town over there," Ace says. And points over his shoulder into the forest. "Why didn't we get a room?" I ask. "Well, we don't have any money." he says naturally. "Since when is that a problem?" I ask, laughing. Ace bounces the bill every chance he gets. He snorts. "I'm not that bad!" says Ace. "Ace the first time you got your body back, you made me bounce the bill." I remind him. "See, you bounced the bill not me." he says. I pout and he kisses me on the temple. I sigh comfortably. "Much better." I say in a mumble. "Better as what?" Ace asks me. "Well having his own body." I say. "True." He admits and hugs me to him. "What are we supposed to do now?" I say. "We'll go right down to town and ask for a boat," says Ace. "Say, what have you been doing anyway? The sun is almost up, that means you must have been up all night," I say. "Well, someone has to keep watch, after all." he tells me, shrugging his shoulders. "You could have woken me up," I say. "Maybe I tried!" he says laughing. Yeah nah it's clear. "Of course!" I say sarcastically. Ace gets up and pulls me up with him in the same motion. By now Ace has eaten everything and we bury the fire.

We walk towards the city, with Ace going much faster than me. Feeling warm, sweat drips down the back of my neck. "You really grew up in the woods!" I snort. "Out of breath already?" asks Ace with a laugh. "Dumbass!"' I think. "I heard that!" I hear Ace in my head. "Then don't listen!" I say, giggling. Ace causes a small branch above me to burst into flames, breaking off and falling on my head. "Hey!" I complain. Ace turns around and continues walking backwards. He grins at me. "Show-off!" I mutter. Ace winks at me and turns back around. Then he reaches his hand back. I grab it and he pulls me along. So we move faster and within half an hour we reach the first foothills of the city. Somehow I have the feeling that Ace would have gotten there much faster without me. "That's enough, as soon as we get to the Moby I'll start training," I say quietly. "I'll pay to see that!" says Ace. I pout, I'm not that bad. There aren't many people around in town, but it's still early. Ace has let go of my hand and walks a little ahead of me. I stare at his back and see his tattoo. "Maybe we should cover your back! Although it would be a shame!" I mutter, staring at his back. "Why?" he says. "Well your tattoo is very noticeable. And as long as we're stuck here, we should stay inconspicuous," I say. He snorts. "Please Ace!" I beg. "Nope!" he says and continues walking towards the harbor. "Thickhead!" I send him by thought. He ignores me. At the harbor, a bunch of men are already on their feet working on the ships and nets. When we pass the men, they look up briefly. Some look at me longer, but as soon as they look at me, Ace stands in front of me like a wall.

With different eyesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora