Special Chapter Zorro

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I stretch and fly right out of the hammock. Wait, hammock? Since when do I sleep in a hammock? Around me I hear snoring. Please, I'm in a single room, aren't I? Another new body? I scan the body. Muscular, tall, short hair. Wait, something is wrong with my field of vision. I look around the room. Something is wrong, I find it difficult to see the objects in relation to each other. Something is wrong with my depth perception. I run my hand over my face. One eye is scarred. Okay, I only have one eye. Let's play guess the person. Tall, muscular, short hair, only one eye. Who am I? "What's going on here?" a raspy voice asks me. Bingo! Zorro. "Hello, I'm Lucia, I'm in your body right now and don't worry I'll disappear again!" I say. I urgently need a band announcement for such cases. "Lucia, how did you get into my body and how is Ace?" asks Zorro calmly. I beg your pardon? There is something wrong here. "You know me?" I ask him. "Of course! We've met before. Don't you remember? You and Ace..." Before Zorro can continue, Sanji comes through the door and yells, "BREAKFAST! GET UP YOU BASTARDS!" And already chaos breaks loose around me as several people try to rush through the door. Sanji dodges out of the way as the chaos squad storms out. Ok why are they together, something doesn't quite fit here. Wait, Zorro only has one eye. That means it's after the two years. I'm in the future? "Hey moss head, move!" says Sanji. "Uhh not Zorro!" I just say. But Sanji's already gone. And suddenly Luffy comes in and says, "Hi Lucia, there's breakfast!" And he's gone again. This boy is really a mystery to me! I walk out of the room and I'd like to ask Zorro for directions, but then I'd probably end up on the Moby Dick. "HEY!" my lodger complains. "What's the matter? That's right, you manage to get lost on a straight stretch!" I argue. He just growls. I take the path that seems most logical to me and even get onto the deck. Now the kitchen is not far away.

I get to the kitchen. Some of the kitchen blink in surprise. "You sure got here fast!" says Lysop. Luffy laughs. I just say, "I'm not Zorro! Guess again!" Lysop blinks in surprise. Luffy laughs again and says, " That's Lucia, right now!" Everyone looks surprised, well except for Robin, she just smiles mysteriously. And already Sanji prances around me, "Lucia darling, how are you my rose? You poor thing, with your beautiful body now stuck with that idiot!" "Stupid wooden spoon" grumbles Zorro. "Sword bastard!" hisses Sanji, giving me a nasty look. Surely I'm not going to become collateral damage? "Crazy potholder!" growls Zorro back. "Spinach head!" hisses Sanji now, coming closer. Seriously those two are getting along? Now that's what I call an absurd soul mate! But before they can hurl any more insults at each other, Nami punches both Sanji and me in the head. "Why? I didn't do anything!" I whine with tears in my eyes. Nami looks at me and asks, "Lucia is that really you?" she asks stunned. "Yes!" I say. "I'm sorry that was a reflex!" she says, scratching the back of her head in embarrassment. Luffy laughs and gobbles up breakfast. And already everyone is rushing to the table to defend their food. Only I can't do it, because I have no practice. But luckily Nami comes to my rescue, because she smacks Luffy in the face. "So really now, how do you know me? We've never met before!" I ask. Luffy is about to answer when arms grow out of his shoulders and cover his mouth. "May I ask what your relationship is with Ace?" asks Robin smiling at me. "Uhh why do you want to know?" i ask her. She smiles and says nothing. I don't answer. Zorro hasn't contacted me since the fight either. Did he just fall asleep now?

Suddenly I hear Sanji throwing insults around again. I beg your pardon? Zorro is quiet. But Sanji just keeps going. I raise my eyebrows in question. Then I know what's going on. Now really? Zorro has managed to get lost in another head! "Yikes!" says Chopper all of a sudden. I look at him. "I have Zorro's voice in my head." he says. Yup I was right. Nami slaps her hand to her forehead and says, "You've got to be kidding me!" Luffy laughs. He just keeps calm. Nami turns to me and says, "Please tell me he's still in your head and NOT lost in other people's heads!" I shake my head and laugh. Nami growls and hits Sanji on the head out of frustration. "Finally back here! That you can't describe the way properly either!" suddenly growls Zorro's voice in my head again. "First of all, I don't know how to describe ending up back in your body. Second: How did you manage to get out of your body? Third, how bad is your sense of direction? YOU HAVE LEFT YOUR MIND IN THE HEAD OF ANOTHER!" I say, slightly horrified. But Zorro only growls. Wait a minute, I wanted to know something? What was that all about? With the chaos that always reigns here, you forget your own thoughts!

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